Week 18: Direct Questions Bring Direct Answers

May 29, 2017
Another Awesome AZ Sunset
Happy Monday! This past week FLEW by. I can't believe we're already on week four of this transfer! And Happy Memorial Day! Man, I swear Memorial Day is trying to ruin our lives though. We asked probably 20 members before finding a place to email, since the libraries are closed and everyone's out of town...we were worried we wouldn't get to email today!
NEVERTHELESS, we have had an awesome week out here in Gilbert, AZ! We've been super busy and all three of our progress records were filled front and back this week. Working hard and seeing miracles.
To start off, last Monday we stopped by to see W, the foster kid living with a non-member family. W wasn't home but his family was and they let us in. The ten year old girl was so excited we were there and she was absolutely raving about the scripture we had shared the last time we were there...and she was like "I want a set of scriptures I can read and mark just like yours!!" And so we asked her mom if we could give her a BOM and she said yes!! Her mom is a Methodist so that was HUGE. And as we were leaving she was like "Please come back and give my son the happiness that you two seem to have!!" We got outside and were on cloud 9!! It was awesome...so that's pretty promising and we're really excited to see them this week. :)
Dope Pic of Me on My Bike
Last Wednesday was a day full of lots of highs and lots of lows. So we had a lesson with a Recent Convert, named P, and we had a service project for her for about two hours in the afternoon...and then the next night she was going to feed us dinner. P is awesome so we were really excited...and then at like 9:45 a.m. she texted us and cancelled all three appointments. We were really bummed out...especially since that pretty much flushed our Wednesday plan down the toilet. So as we were sitting there replying to P, we got a text from an investigator we've met with a few times saying, "Hey Sisters, I've been talking to my husband and we've decided...the LDS faith is not for us." So we got dropped. And both Sister Ogawa and I felt like we just got punched in the gut. It was SO hard. We were heartbroken, and we tried to set up an appointment to talk to this investigator about her newfound concerns but she was just like, "I wish you both the best of luck the rest of your missions." and wouldn't meet with us. It was pretty devastating. And this was all before 10 AM!! Sister Ogawa and I were so scared to go out and work because of all the bad things that had happened in the morning but we kept telling ourselves "Fear comes from Satan!!" and we went out. And MIRACLES happened! The FIRST person we OYM'd on the street was named J, and he grew up with tons of Mormon friends but lost contact with them when they went on their missions. He's been to church before, loved the feeling he felt there, accepted a copy of the BOM AND invited us to come back and teach him more!! We realized that if we'd been in the lesson with P we wouldn't have met him. We were like, okay Heavenly Father, we see you. And then the rest of the day we got in with tons of potentials and got referrals from lots of members and it ended up being an awesome day...there's a reason behind everything!
We had interviews this week! Interview day is one of my favorite days of the transfer; those 15 minutes with President Wheeler go by so quickly. I always leave interviews with a renewed sense of purpose and drive; it's such a good reminder of why I'm here on a mission. He gave us some great advice and we've been working hard to apply the advice he's given to us in our missionary efforts.
Dirt Biking
On Thursday we had two very direct lessons. We have an investigator, S, who is super busy, but is ALWAYS out walking his dog at 7:30 every night. We know where to find him haha. ;) So we set up an appointment one night on the street to come and meet his family. We planned to go into the lesson and just get to know them and share a very general message about faith. But to our surprise, S sat all his children down on the couch and said "Alright kids. Ask the missionaries whatever questions you'd like." And straight out of the gate his 15 year old daughter goes, "What is the difference between being Catholic and being Mormon?" Haha I haven't had a question that direct on my whole mission. It caught me off-guard! I panicked momentarily but then Sister Ogawa and I looked at each other and I was like, "Let's talk about the restoration of Jesus Christ's church." And we were able to give the family the whole first lesson right there, she admitted she'd never prayed about which church was true, and after we finished the lesson I asked, "If these things we've been talking about tonight are true, would that be important for you to know?" And the whole family was like yes! And then Sister Ogawa was like, "How do you think you're going to know they're true?" And they were like, "By reading the Book of Mormon and praying to know if it's God's word." It was so cool! The Spirit was so strong, and we're excited to follow up with them this week. :)
Sis. Ogawa, Me, & the 3 Amigos
The other direct lesson we had was with a potential, C, who always lets us in whenever we stop by! She recently moved into the area and we found her after talking to her on the street one day. This was our third time stopping by her house and this time she really opened up to us and was like, "Why does it feel like I'm missing something? How can I fill this emptiness in my life?" And we asked if she'd been to church recently and she said no, and we asked if she'd been reading the Bible and she said no...and you could tell it was like a revelatory moment for her because she realized that what she was missing was Jesus Christ. Our imperfections + Jesus Christ and His Atonement = a Perfect fit! We invited her to church and she said she'd come...but something came up last minute and she ended up not coming. We'll get her this week though. :)
So yeah...those are my highlights! Oh and also...next p-day will be Wednesday, June 7 because someone from the missionary department is coming to evaluate our mission next Monday and we will be in training meetings with him all day Monday. :)
Have a good week! I love and miss you all! Thanks for all you do!
Sister Jacobson

Sis. Ogawa Made Curry

Soba for Dinner

3 Amigo Wanna-Be

The Homie

More of the 3 Amigos

Getting Tables for Weekly Planning
Sacagawea's Baby?
Pile of Dirt Dumped in the Bike Path
More Dirt

Week 17: The Week of the Pulled Pork

May 22, 2017
Weekly Planning ft a Ritz
Holy heck what a week! We've been working really hard out here in Gilbert and I am EXHAUSTED.
Per usual, we saw a lot of miracles this week! On Tuesday our zone set a transfer baptismal goal. We decided that ten baptisms was a good goal for this transfer. It's a pretty big goal for this zone, but we know it was inspired because each companionship had been praying about a goal for the zone for a week and then last Tuesday our Zone Leaders got up and said "on the count of three we're all going to say the goal we felt was right at the same time." And every companionship said ten! So then we all knelt down together and prayed and still felt like ten was right. It was pretty cool.
And then ever since...it's like the miracles and the work in this zone has just EXPLODED. I feel like every time our phone rings it's another "Zone Miracle" text! It's been awesome! I know that two different sets of Elders found golden investigators this week and put them on date, so that's exciting...and Sister Ogawa and I are getting excited to find our golden investigator. We know there's at least one out there for us!! :)
Some of the miracles we saw...
On Friday we were knocking a door of a LA family and they weren't home...and Sister Ogawa and I were debating knocking a door a few houses down of a Part-Member family. We couldn't decide, even after praying about it...when suddenly we saw a car pull into their driveway! We walked over there and it was the non-member wife, B, and we talked briefly, before inviting her to meet with us and she totally accepted! She was pumped!! We'll meet with her this week. :) 
Later that night we decided to go tracting. I didn't feel like we needed to go tracting at that time...but I just thought that was me just not wanting to tract haha. However, the more doors we knocked the more I felt like there was a specific place that we needed to be, and that place wasn't where we were. This feeling got to the point that I told Sister Ogawa, and she reminded me that during weekly planning that morning we had set a goal to focus more on following the Spirit and adapting our plans accordingly, so we stopped tracting and said a prayer. Afterwards we pulled out our planners and this one name just jumped out at me--it was like it was written in yellow. I was like "We need to go stop by the Ls right now." The Ls are a part-member/former-investigator family, and they live on the other side of our area, so we hopped on our bikes and went there as fast as we could. When we got there, the kids were outside and we started talking to them. After a little bit the dad came out and we were able to talk to him a bit before they all went inside for dinner. We've heard that they've had some bad experiences with missionaries in the past, so they're usually pretty closed-off...but they were so open and so friendly! And we got the chance to establish a little bit of a friendship with them because the kids were outside right at the time we got there...thanks, Holy Ghost!
We saw a cool miracle with the Lord placing someone in our path who didn't have water...and we were right in front of a member's house so we were able to run in and get him water. We talked to him a little bit and invited him to church and he wasn't ready for the gospel yet, but we definitely planted a seed!
And finally....the coolest miracle of them all!! We had a lesson this week with our investigator, M. He's an awesome guy. He's been investigating the church for a while, and he knows SO much about the doctrine! His hold up is that he smokes. He has a crazy life-story and he's overcome SO much, and he knows the church is true, but smoking is like his Achilles heel. Our past few lessons have been all about the Atonement and it's enabling power and how he can use the Atonement to overcome smoking and about how if he tries his best then Christ will make up the rest, etc...and in our last lesson he got a little defensive and was kinda like "when it's time for me to quit God will tell me." So going into this lesson we were really nervous and really apprehensive about what direction to take. We prayed and prayed and PRAYED about what to teach him and felt like we needed to invite him to baptism, give him a baptismal date, and re-teach the Restoration. The only problem was...we didn't know what part of the Restoration he needed to learn more about. We straight went into the lesson and were like "wing it with the Spirit." To start the lesson we asked M what he remembered about the Restoration of the gospel and he legit gave US the lesson...so we were like shoot we don't know what to do...but we brought our Ward Mission Leader with us and he was CLUTCH!! He looks at us and goes "Sisters, can we talk about authority??" and we were like "Sure, sounds good." And he proceeded to teach all about authority and about the Priesthood BEAUTIFULLY. He opened the door for us to give a few analogies about the importance of authority so M could understand, and by the end of it M was like "oh...NOW I get it!!" and THEN!! Our WML goes "M, have you ever thought about holding the Priesthood?" and M was dead silent--and M is never quiet. It was seriously the most inspired question I've ever heard. After a few moments M was like "Honestly, I have. And I want to." And all of us were like "M, we all want that for you...and we're going to help you get there." So we shared a scripture about baptism and he got a little emotional and then I was like "M, we know baptism is your next step. We've prayed about it and we've felt it's time. Will you follow the example of Jesus Christ and be baptized by someone holding the proper priesthood authority from God?" The Spirit was so strong!!! AND.....he said, “NO.” Haha what a let-down right?? BUT he goes "I'm not ready to enter the water yet!! I'm not worthy!!" Smoking...that Achilles heel. And we all assured him that he could get worthy, and he could be clean again...and I said "We're not trying to get you in the water next week...we believe you can be ready by July 1...will you prepare yourself to be baptized on that day?" And he said he'd pray about it!! His roommate was like "You can be ready by then...that's six weeks away!" But he was still apprehensive, so all of us went around and bore him our testimonies about the power of baptism and we all said that we knew that we would see him hold the Priesthood, and we'd see him in the temple...and after all that he turned to his roommate and said "Well... I guess this means I’d better start using patches." Like nicotine patches! So even though we didn't put him solidly on date...exactly what we wanted to happen happened. He's going to start trying to quit smoking in earnest now :) A super cool miracle, it’s probably the coolest lesson thus far on my mission.
Also this week one of our wards had a fundraiser for the young men and they sold pulled pork...so out of the six days members fed us guess how many days we had pulled pork sandwiches?  Five, five out of six days! Let me tell ya, it FELT like a miracle when we walked into dinner last night and it wasn't pulled pork. Haha, just kidding, we love and appreciate our members, and we're very blessed to be taken care of as well as we are out here!
One of the scriptures that our ward mission leader shared in M's lesson was Matthew 16:13-18. It talks about not only the importance of authority, but also the importance of personal revelation, and it's been on my mind a lot recently. Christ asks his apostles who people think He is, and they speculate for a bit before Peter finally says "Thou art the Christ" and Christ says "Blessed art thou, for flesh and blood hath not revealed it unto thee, but my Father which is in heaven." (This is super paraphrased) As missionaries we see all the time the importance of personal revelation. So many people we teach rely on the logic of man, instead of turning to the Lord for the answers they're seeking. My nugget of wisdom for the week is to trust God more than you trust man! Men can lead us astray...but God never will! :)
I love you all! Have a good week!
Sister Jacobson
Acai Bowl Marriage
Nekter w/S & Friends

Yummy Acai Bowl
$4 Thrift Store Skirt

Jenga @ Soda Shop w/G Family
Jenga @ Soda Shop w/G Family

Jenga @ Soda Shop w/G Family

Week 16: There Can Be Miracles, When You Believe

May 15, 2017

Hello hello!
Skype home
Man it was so great talking to y'all yesterday!! I could have kept talking and talking forever and ever...it was really hard keeping it to an hour. Fastest hour ever! But that's okay; we can talk forever when I get home. :)
This week we had a lot of ups and downs! But every day we kept saying "there are miracles, when you believe!!" (Like that one song...I don't know the name but it's really popular haha)
So we started the week with a really discouraging text from that referral we were so amped about last week! We wanted to set up an appointment and he texted us and said that he didn't want to meet just yet, but then told us he'd been reading the BOM every day and so far had been impressed with it. We were grateful he was reading, and that in it of itself is a miracle, but at the same time we were really nervous because there's a lot that can go wrong...and we wanted to be there to help answer his questions. So we're praying that he'll be open to meet in the near future.
The very next day, we were bummed out because of this text and we were out working. We weren't seeing much success and not that many people were home, so it had been a long day of knocking a lot of empty houses...and we were biking to a member's home and we saw this guy taking his trash in. We asked if we could help him and he said no, but the Holy Ghost was like "no. help him." so we hopped off our bikes and went and grabbed his other trash can and took it in for him. He was really grateful and impressed that we were so willing to help him. His name is H--he's from Vietnam! In talking to him he mentioned that he was Catholic, and he LOVES the Old Testament because of the story line. Whenever I meet someone who loves the OT I always ask for advice on reading it, especially Isaiah, and he thought it was really funny that a missionary was asking, in his words, “an average Joe” for advice on studying the scriptures. But he gave me some advice, and then I was like "Well...if there was another book of scripture that had a story line similar to the one in the OT would you be interested in it?" and he said yes! So we gave him the BOM and he was PUMPED about it. Sister Ogawa and I left and were jazzed! It was such a smooth BOM placement. :)
Gilbert, AZ sunset
Then, that same night...we decided to go stop by a recent move in named W. He's a junior in high school and he's a recent convert. He's a foster kid and he's living with a nonmember family. He bore his testimony on Fast Sunday and it was amazing, so we wanted to meet him and get to know him better! While we were talking to him, the family he's living with was all there and they were all SUPER open. They invited us to come back any time and we're hopeful that we'll get to teach them more about what we believe!
Then....yesterday we had a HUGE miracle. There's this family in my area named G. They're recent converts of almost a year, and have been less-active for a while now. They've had some hardships in their lives these past few years, and the gospel initially provided a lot of hope for them. But for one reason or another they haven't come to church in a while. The missionaries in this area work really closely with this family; they're just the nicest people you'll meet. Anyways, so we stopped by a few times this week for a lesson but never quite connected with the whole family. We saw the kids, or the dad, but never everyone all at the same time! We were sitting in church on Sunday...when out of NOWHERE the mom and one of the daughters showed up. I started like hitting Sister Ogawa to get her attention and we both couldn't believe that they were there. We sat there the whole sacrament meeting with tears in our eyes because we were SO happy that they were there and got to partake of the sacrament. After sacrament meeting our WML came up to us and was like "what did you do to get them here!!?" and we were like "Literally nothing.” We hadn't seen them all week and then they showed up to church! It was a perfect service...all about mothers and the importance they have in the home...definitely what she needed. When they were at church, a member family invited them over for dinner...and the whole family went! Then last night after we had dinner, we felt like we needed to stop by their house and the whole family was home. We shared with them a message about mothers and invited the children to serve their parents this week. Halfway through the message, the dad looked at us and with tears in his eyes, said "I bet your parents are so proud of you" and we were like oh my gosh thank you so much...and then he was like "I mean...I just know that they miss you so much and they probably worry about you...but if they could see the good work you're doing...I mean you're out here changing lives!! If they could see that...they would be so proud." and Sister Ogawa and I both started crying...because sometimes, especially with this family, it feels like you're talking to a wall and the things you're saying have no effect...but this was a little tender mercy from the Lord to show us that our service is appreciated, and it does matter. It was really cool. And definitely a big miracle--there can be miracles when you believe!!
Japanese candy - Thanks Elder P.
Sister Ogawa saw a pretty big miracle yesterday as well. This will sound weird, because it doesn't start off sounding like a miracle--but I promise it was! So her dad is currently in the hospital...and we're not quite sure why...but because he's in the hospital he Skyped her! She told me that her dad very rarely emails her and the last time she called home he didn't want to Skype...but since her mom was in the hospital and was Skyping her, her dad decided to Skype in as well! She also said that once he's released from the hospital he won't be able to drink or smoke anymore, so she was really excited about that...yesterday she kept saying "The Lord has a perfect plan!! Even for the Japanese!" :)
Something cool I did this week: during personal study one day I went into our closet and prayed vocally for 20 minutes. It was awesome. I know that there's power in prayer; it's how we talk to God!! How could there not be power?! But I felt God's love for me so acutely and so abundantly in that moment, and was probably one of the most spiritual experiences of my life! Pretty awesome.
Skype view from home
Anyways, that's my week! It was really great...one of my favorite moments was getting to pray with my parents. One of my favorite things about being a missionary is being invited to pray in member's homes, because we have the ability to leave blessings on their homes. D&C 75:19! So it was really cool to have the opportunity to do the same for my parents via Skype. :)
I love you all!
Sister Jacobson
Check out this beautiful court!
On my way to steal yo court

S/O to Sis. Weyland when I forgot my name tag

Check out this sign

Missionaries serving from Sis. Ogawa's stake
Invited to a pool party?!?