Week 31: The Week of Baptisms

August 28, 2017
Hello! Happy Monday!!
Comp goals
This week was awesome. It was one of those weeks where we went out, worked, got super hot and sweaty, saw some miracles, came home, went to bed, and then did the same thing the next day! I never thought I could find so much joy in being sweaty in church clothes...I guess the mission does weird things to you!
This week it felt like everyone on the planet earth got baptized. We went to a baptism almost every single day. It seemed like every person that Sister Utsch ever taught on her whole mission got baptized...all this week. We had the opportunity to attend all of their baptisms and it was amazing...our hearts have been so full all week! I love being in a small mission! It's so underrated. By far one of the biggest perks is that we have the option to go back for baptisms of people we taught and see old companions all the time. Plus, we get to see our mission president and his wife on average once a week. It's amazing.
We taught the H’s their first new member lesson this week. The feeling in their home was different than it had ever been before, and I know it's because the Spirit is present in their home 100% of the time now. We left the lesson and both Sister Utsch and I were like...did you feel that?? It was amazing. I've never noticed the difference between homes with the Spirit and homes without the Spirit until my mission...maybe I'm more sensitive to it, or maybe I just go into so many different homes that I notice it more...but there's definitely a difference. It's been a testimony builder to me of how much I want the Spirit to be present in my home in the future!
Exchange with Sis. Cruse
This week we also went on exchanges with two companionships! The first exchange I led out my area with Sister Cruse, a sister who has been out for nine months. I was really nervous to lead out because I still don't know the area super well but we had an awesome day! We only got lost like three times!! We caught a part-member family outside and were able to set up a return appointment...which was a huge miracle because they never answer the door. We focused a lot on tailoring each contact to each individual person, because this gospel is designed for the individual. Sister Cruse is a great missionary....we had a ton of fun together!
Hot day for exchange with Sis. Cordon
The second exchange I went to Sister Cordon's area! She's been out for eleven months and is training a new missionary right now! We had a super awkward dinner haha. We showed up to dinner and everyone there spoke Spanish except for the English member who had signed up to feed us. About five minutes into dinner there was a knock on the door and it was the Spanish missionaries! Sister Cordon and I were so confused about why they were there, and they were confused about why we were there...but we found out that one of their Spanish members had signed up to feed them dinner that night, and the Spanish member lived with the English member. Haha it was really funny, but also really awkward because Sister Cordon and I were the only ones in the room that didn't speak enough Spanish to communicate. But we just laughed about it and had a great rest of our day. I'm so amazed by the amazing missionaries in this mission! One of the biggest blessings of exchanges is having the opportunity to interact with so many other missionaries and being able to learn from each of them!
We also had another dinner with T this week! We sat down at the dinner table and she looked at us and said, "Okay...I've been practicing my praying. It won't be as good as yours but here goes..." and just started praying! It was awesome!! Sister Utsch and I couldn't believe it haha...she's so awesome! After dinner we read from the Book of Mormon with her and helped her understand what was happening and how to apply it to her life. She recognizes the Spirit when we bring it, and she recognized the Spirit when she was reading from the Book of Mormon with us...so hopefully this week she'll be able to recognize the Spirit when reading from the Book of Mormon without us there!
On Saturday we had a lesson with our YSA investigator, L. She is seriously so awesome!! We sat down at our lesson and we asked her if she had any questions and straight out of the gate she was like "How do I tell my parents that I'm getting baptized??" We offered her some advice, and shared with her some stories from the scriptures in an effort to provide her with comfort...and afterwards she told us that she felt so much better and thought that she was ready to tell her parents. Then yesterday she came to church in our YSA ward. It was amazing to see the ward just welcome her with open arms...she even went to the "new move-in meeting" during third hour and got to have an interview with the bishop! After church our bishop told us that she had invited everyone in the "new move-in meeting" to her baptism! :') And he also told us that she had told him about her parents being unsupportive and he gave her the names and numbers of some people in the ward that went through the same thing and she said that she would call them for advice. Members and missionaries working together make my heart so happy! Keep L in your prayers...she's amazing and we are praying so hard that her parent's hearts will be soft and that they'll be understanding and supportive when she tells them.
Haboob, double rainbow, & the Supersitions
Hahaha yesterday we had dinner with one of our ward's ward mission leaders and it was by far one of the most entertaining dinners ever. He has five kids, and they all LOVE the missionaries. His youngest is six years old and he is obsessed with Sister Utsch. Seriously, this kid is going to be a heart-breaker in about ten years. All throughout dinner he kept trying to hold her hand and at one point he looked at Sister Utsch and said "Kiss me!" I was laughing so hard I think I almost fell out of my chair...our ward mission leader's wife was so embarrassed but it was honestly just super cute and super funny.
Tomorrow Elder Anderson will be in our mission!!! We are so excited! And nervous! The musical number sounds awesome...but it's still nerve-racking. I can't wait to hear what advice he has for us! President Wheeler always says, "If you're in a meeting with an Apostle and it doesn't change your life...that's your fault." Very excited!
Anyways, have a good week. I love you!
Sister Jacobson

Week 30: The "H" Family Got Baptized!

August 21, 2017


Unified companions
This week was hands down the best week of my entire mission. Every single journal entry this week started with "Today was AMAZING!!" and then went on to list a variety of miracles, both big and small. But seriously, out of all of the weeks on my mission...this one takes the cake. This week in general our mission saw so many miracles--25 baptized and confirmed this weekend across the mission! Sister Utsch and I are just on cloud nine from the many miracles we saw, and so humbled and grateful for the blessings from the Lord we've seen. 
Exchange with Sis. Cammon

First things first, this week we went on exchanges--it was my first exchange as an STL and I was sooo nervous! I went with Sister Cammon, a sister who has been on her mission for about nine months, and we were in her area. We had a long day of knocking lots of doors and talking to lots of people and not finding much success...but we had tons of fun together! Sister Cammon is an awesome missionary--I love being able to serve with such wonderful people!

This week one of our members in our YSA ward texted us and asked us if we had anyone we were working with that would enjoy a plate of cookies. Sister Utsch and I said yes, and this YSA girl delivered two plates of fresh cookies to us. Then, Sister Utsch and I put the plates of cookies between us, knelt down, and prayed about who in our wards needed to know that we loved them. After we prayed, the two of us both felt really strongly about the same two families...so we went to deliver the cookies! When we arrived at the first family's home, the C’s, they were outside! That in it of itself was a miracle...they very rarely answer the door when we knock on it. The C’s are a recent convert family of about two years, and they have always struggled with smoking. They are so diligent about their efforts to quit, but they just can't seem to shake it...and they know that it's a commandment from the Lord to keep our bodies clean of harmful substances so when we, the missionaries, come around they tend to feel a little guilty. We're working really hard to help them see that we are here to love and encourage them, not to condemn them! But since they were outside we were able to talk to them and they invited us in. We talked with them briefly, left the cookies, and on our way out the door they expressed to us that they want to start meeting with us again, because their sons haven't been baptized yet! Miracles! 

The second family was the K’s. They're going through some tough medical stuff in their family right now, and the ward family is really making an attempt to reach out to them and love them. They weren't home when we dropped by, so we left the cookies on their doorstep anonymously and left a trail of sticky notes on their driveway to make sure they found the cookies. The next day we stopped by to make sure they found the cookies, and M was like "Guys!! Someone left a plate of cookies anonymously on our doorstep...it was one of the best surprises of my life." And we just played along like "wow that was so nice of that person" haha...it was so sweet to know that something so small and simple could touch their lives so personally. :)

Oh and don't even get me started talking about Friday afternoon. It was one of those days where we were exactly where we needed to be, when we needed to be there, and the miracles just flowed. Every person we talked to on the street was receptive and interested; we handed out four Books of Mormon, and got five return appointments!! AND we had a huge miracle where we went to visit a promising potential investigator we found in our area book from like 2012, figuring that he'd probably already moved...and he had, BUT, the person that we talked to had just moved in and he was SUPER interested. He told us that he'd recently started going to church for the first time in his life but he felt like the church he was going to wasn't true. He was busy right then but we were able to testify that our church is Christ's church restored to the Earth today, and we testified of the Book of Mormon and its power. As we were leaving, he ran outside and gave us Gatorade! So awesome! His name is R.

And now...the part that everyone has been waiting for. This weekend was the craziest weekend ever. All weekend long it seriously felt like we were running around with our heads cut off.

The H family
This weekend was the H family’s baptism!! It was literally the best weekend of my life. I think the only weekend that might trump this one is the weekend I received my endowments...but there are no words to describe how special and spiritual this weekend was. But I will sure try to do it justice! Ever since I received my mission call I have prayed every single day for the opportunity to teach and baptize a family. When I arrived in the mission field, I realized how few and far between whole-family baptisms come, and I hate to say it, but I lost my faith a bit. I still prayed and asked Heavenly Father for this opportunity...but I can honestly say that I didn't expect anything from it. In addition, the only baptism I have had on my mission was my first weekend in the field...and I don't really count it because we didn't teach her haha we met her the day before she was baptized. Other than that, anyone I have taught has not been baptized. These past few months with no baptisms have really tested my faith as I've watched those I've served with experience the fruits of their labors...missionary work is hard work, and I think it's really easy to get discouraged, especially when week after week and month after month pass with no outward results from the labors. But having the opportunity to watch the entire H family (besides their youngest daughter, who is 7) enter the waters of baptism this Saturday made the difficulties of these past few months so worth it. 

WML & gecko friend in the font
Sister Utsch and I believe that we are blessed to serve in the best area of the Arizona Gilbert mission. This was only further confirmed by the outpouring of love at the H’s baptism. There were well over 50 people there (standing room only!!), including Sister Allison--Sister Utsch's last companion who finished her mission at the beginning of August and drove the fourteen hour drive from Idaho to be here for their baptism--and her family, the majority of the missionaries in our zone and their investigators, many people that the H’s have met along their journey, every single ward auxiliary, and President and Sister Wheeler--our mission president and his wife. My cheeks hurt from smiling so much, and I was 100% positive that I was going to cry, but I didn't--I was smiling too much!! While they changed, Sister Utsch and I did a ten minute restoration lesson and afterwards the Elders in our zone came up to us and told us that their investigators LOVED the lesson and felt the spirit so strongly--one even said that they wanted to be baptized too! And then afterwards, President and Sister Wheeler told us that it was the best baptism they've ever been to. :') At the baptism, Sister H also came to Sister Utsch and me and said "Sisters...I need to thank you. I know if it had been any other set of missionaries then our family would not be getting baptized today. You were just perfect for our family." But the truth is, we didn't do it...the Spirit did. We were merely the instruments in the hands of the Lord while He did His work. We were just blessed to be a part of it all! 
Who says paperwork isn't fun?

And then yesterday was their confirmation--all six of them during sacrament meeting! The stake president is in their ward and he is one of their fellowshippers, so he confirmed them and gave them each beautiful, individual blessings. THAT was when the tears flowed. Sister Utsch and I were like openly weeping in the middle of sacrament meeting, as we watched our investigators receive the Gift of the Holy Ghost. This is what it's all about! This is why we go out and knock doors every single day, this is why we try and talk to everyone, this is why we are missionaries--to labor to bring just ONE soul unto Him!! And we had the opportunity to bring SIX souls unto Him this weekend. And then...one of the sweetest moments of my life was after church, watching Bishop ordain G a Priest in the Aarronic Priesthood, and then in turn G ordain his son, J, a Teacher. It was so special. Sister Utsch and I were beside ourselves...how did we get so lucky?! What did we do to warrant such immaculate blessings from the Lord in just one weekend?! He is far, FAR better to us than we deserve!! 

As if six baptisms in one day weren’t enough, we had a lesson with an YSA investigator, L; we've met with on and off just one hour after the baptism concluded. I swear, Sister Utsch and I were on some sort of a spiritual high during that lesson...the Holy Ghost was just flowing so well. We taught the Gospel of Jesus Christ, which includes faith in Jesus Christ and His Atonement, Repentance, Baptism, Receiving the Gift of the Holy Ghost, and Enduring to the End. The spirit was SO strong!! At the end, Sister Utsch said, "L...have you ever received a confirmation that the Book of Mormon is true??" which was kind of weird because we hadn't really been talking about the Book of Mormon...but out of nowhere L just started CRYING. She could hardly get the words out but she said that she had received a confirmation that it was true. We invited her to baptism...AND SHE SAID YES. She went on to explain that she had been praying that we would text her to set up a lesson, and that she's been thinking about baptism a lot recently...the problem is that her family isn't very supportive. We testified that the Atonement isn't just for mistakes or sins, it's also for the burdens that we can't bear, and we promised her that her family's heart would soften. And then we extended the date of September 23 for baptism and she accepted!! Y'all...I need you to understand that ONE HOUR after six baptisms we put an investigator on date....and we already have four investigators on date for September 23...so we will have FIVE baptisms next month. At the end of the day, Sister Utsch and I knelt down and thanked the Lord profusely for the day. This weekend had been so humbling and so amazing all in one...and overall I'm just grateful that I was able to be here and witness the Lord's work firsthand. 

Baptism gifts we created for the H's
Sister Utsch and I also got some more exciting news this week...she's been asked to play the piano at the Elder Anderson zone conference next week, and I've been asked to sing in a quartet for a special musical number! We are so excited! :) 

Anyway...I have a testimony that this is the Lord's work. I know it, and I love it. I know this gospel changes lives and blesses all those that come unto Christ. This gospel is so, so real! As we follow the basic principles and ordinances of the gospel, I know that the Lord makes us better than we can ever imagine, and blesses us beyond belief. 

Have a wonderful week, thank you for all the love and support! I love you all!

Sister Jacobson 

Unified at zone sports
The 4 northern STL's...
Missing phone training with Elder Bednar

Pretty shortcut we found this week
AZ skies at it again
More AZ skies

Week 29: Double the Dinners, Double the Fun!

August 14, 2017


Most AZ thing I've ever seen
What a WEEK! I can't believe it's already Monday again...where does the time go?! So much happened this week I don't even know where to begin! 

Yesterday the Tucson temple was dedicated, so for the first time on my mission I went to less than eight hours of church haha you know you're in the Gilbert Arizona mission when... ;) President Uchtdorf dedicated the temple and it was special because he randomly has a lot of connections to Arizona...this is the fourth temple dedication I've been able to attend and I think each time it just gets more and more special. 

This week we were out working in one of our wards, and we had about an hour before dinner so we decided to go tracting in a different ward. As we were biking there, we saw a man quite a bit further down the street sitting on his driveway pulling weeds out of his rocks (not many people in Arizona have grass...most people have rocks in their front yard). We needed to turn left to get to the other ward, and the turn was before this man so we decided to just keep going to the other ward as planned...but we got a few feet down the street and both Sister Utsch and I looked at each other and were like...we need to go talk to him. So we turned our bikes around and went and talked to this guy. His name was J. We asked if we could help him pull weeds and he said no thank you, but he was very friendly, and through the course of our conversation he mentioned that his wife is a member of our church. When he said that, I felt the Spirit so strongly and I don't know how to describe it...but I knew that I knew his wife. As he kept talking, he said that his wife lives in Gilbert right now so she can take care of her mom. Then he said his last name...and I realized that his wife is a Less-Active-ish member from my last area...and when I visited his wife a few transfers ago I had made the connection with her that I went to high school with her niece. So I told this to J and he was beside himself...he kept saying "small small world!!" haha. At this point, Sister Utsch and I hopped off our bikes and sat down on the driveway with J and started helping him pull weeds...in our dresses and all. We kept talking with him and had a very natural conversation...we talked about everything from the weather to the Atonement of Jesus Christ...and all of it just flowed! J had lots of questions for us about our missions, he wanted to know how we drew the "short stick" of being sent to Arizona in the middle of the summer haha...so we told him about prophets and about how every mission call is inspired. We testified that we both know that we were in Arizona for a specific reason, and for specific people. Then we were able to teach a little bit of the Restoration to him...he'd heard bits and pieces of it here and there but told us that it'd been a long time since he'd talked to anyone about God. Eventually we had to leave and head to dinner, but J was so grateful for our company and for our help with pulling weeds...even though he initially refused our help! Personally, I'm grateful that we were where the Lord needed us to be in that very moment. C'mon...things like this don't "just happen." Like, what are the odds that this random guy I talked to on the street in Mesa Arizona is married to a woman that I used to visit in my last area in Gilbert AND that I went to high school with their niece?? The Lord's hand is in EVERYTHING...He has a master plan and He is orchestrating EVERYTHING. It's so amazing to be able to see that first-hand as a missionary. 

Dirty hands but a clean heart!
We had another moment this week where we were definitely where we needed to be at the exact moment the Lord needed us to be there. We rolled up to an investigator's, T’s, home and she was in her garage. Haha this garage is decked out in basically every kind of beer paraphernalia you can possible dream up--complete with a full bar. She was so excited to see us and invited us to come in and sit down...so we sat down at the bar...and she brought us some cold water haha and we were just talking to her. A few minutes later a car pulled up and these two girls got out and started hauling all of this alcohol into the garage. They sat down and both cracked open some beer and then T goes "Oh Sisters...this is my friend C and her wife, S!!" Sister Utsch and I were so nervous...the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints has been very bold and firm about God's stance on marriage, and as representatives of the Church and of Jesus Christ, a lot of times the missionaries take some heat. We were so ready to get wrecked haha but we actually had an amazing interaction and conversation with them. They did ask us about gay marriage, but it wasn't hostile...they were genuinely interested and curious. They expressed to us a desire to come to know God and discover God's plan for them. We were able to testify of God's love for all of His children and of the reality that He does have a plan for them. We also invited them to church! I wish I could see what this looked like from the third person...two Mormon missionaries sitting in this decked-out beer garage with a lesbian couple talking about God's love. It was one of those surreal missionary moments for sure.

Ridiculously large truck
Funny moment: This week we received a text from a non-member in a part-member family that we're teaching and it said "This week I read a book. Nephi 3. It's when Jesus comes to teach after he was killed." Sister Utsch and I were so excited!! This guy used to be anti and now he's just so excited to learn. Then a few minutes later he texted us again and it said "I'm sure you already know that...sorry." Hahaha it was SO funny...I love being able to teach so many wonderful people!

We had another lesson with the H family this week! We taught about the law of tithing and about temples. They're still good to go for this Saturday, so this week is already crazy busy with baptism prep! We have another lesson with them today, and then one Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and then their baptism Saturday. We are so excited for them. 

Last night we had two dinners. The only time I've ever done two dinners is when we have two investigators feeding us...and last night two investigators fed us! We ate with the P family first, the ones that will be baptized in September. They are so sweet and so special and we love them so much! 

The second dinner was with T (the one with the garage bar). It was honestly one of the most memorable dinners of my mission...haha we have dinners every single night so in order for them to be memorable you know it's gotta be special! We ate with T, her son D, and his friend, A. D and A together are HILARIOUS. I don't even know how to describe them...but they're just cute, funny little kids. The majority of dinner was spent laughing at the random things they'd say...it's true! Kids DO say the darndest things. ;) But then once dinner was over, the kids left the room and we started talking with T about the restoration of the gospel. T isn't this golden investigator or anything...but she has SO much potential and I am 100% confident saying that she will be baptized one day. She told us that her dad actually just joined the church about a month ago, and now she's a little curious...but she also told us that she doesn't foresee herself becoming a member because she likes alcohol too much (she invited us to look at her garage again hahaha) Here again, we had another very natural conversation that drifted back and forth between sacred and spiritual topics and we were able to teach her the whole Restoration. We invited her to read the Book of Mormon and she was so excited!! She told us that she will read it and pray about it, and she also told us that she is so excited to talk to her dad about it. It was awesome! We left feeling very fed...both temporally and spiritually haha. 

But yeah...that's about what I got! Oh other than the fact that Elder Bednar is coming to our mission on Friday to train six companionships on technology....very chill. Haha but Sister Utsch and I haven't received a call so it's probably safe to say that we won't be one of the six companionships...honestly that's inspired haha. Once those companionships receive technology then the MLC will be next, so we'll be getting technology soon enough! 

Anyway, have a good week! The Church is true and I love you! :) 

Sister Jacobson 
Spa night
Sis. J found Scamp's doppelganger