Week 74: Bike Pranks

June 25, 2018

Hey everyone! 

Yet another crazy awesome and crazy busy week in San Tan! Sister Jensen and I are having a ton of fun out here together. This next week is lined up to be even busier; we are so excited. 

Exchanges with Sis. Schwendiman
This week we had exchanges. I was with Sister Schwendiman, a sister who has been on her mission for five WEEKS, and we were in her area! Sister Schwendiman is a stud. I remember my first time leading out my area--I was two weeks old in the mission--and it was HARD. She was so nervous but she did awesome. It was fun to watch her learn and grow on our exchange! We had a long day of contacting but we taught a few recent converts, which was a blast. 

This was the last exchange of my mission and it was a good one to go out on! This week I counted up the number of exchanges I've been on on my mission and it is close to 60! Exchanges are long and exhausting, and can sometimes be tedious, but I've truly been blessed to be able to rub shoulders with the best sister missionaries in the world and I have learned so much from them as we have labored together in the Lord's vineyard. I'm so grateful for all of the exchanges I have been able to go on; they have molded and shaped me into the missionary I am today. 

We had the opportunity to teach four lessons to T this week as well haha. We have concluded that he likes meeting with us because he likes the way he feels when he is with us. In other words, he feels the Spirit when he meets with us, and he wants to feel the Spirit more often. So here's the summary of the four lessons! 

1. We planned to read Mosiah 3 with him but he had actually already read that in his studies that day...so we ended up reading Moroni 7 with him. We talked a lot about faith-what it is and what it isn't-and how faith can overcome doubt. The end of the lesson got a little heated, I was very bold with T...probably the boldest I've ever been with an investigator...and really pushed for a church commitment. He didn't commit, but kept saying that he would try. 

2. The second lesson I wasn't there for because of exchanges, but Sister Jensen taught him all about the Gift of the Holy Ghost and she said it went really well! We were finally able to get this one YSA Bro to the lesson and he was a perfect fellowship. Sister Jensen said that T opened up a ton and that he connected really well with this YSA Bro! 

3. We taught the Law of Chastity and the Law of Tithing! T understood everything really well and committed to live both of them. He specifically mentioned that he is excited to see what blessings come into his life from paying tithing!

4. We decided to go over the baptismal interview questions with him. T keeps saying he's not ready for baptism, so we decided to go through the questions to help him see he knows more than he thinks he does. We brought a YSA Bro with us who got back from his mission six weeks ago and it was like there were three missionaries there haha! It was a great lesson. T realized that he's progressing better than he thinks he is, and that he actually is ready for baptism haha. At the end of the lesson he almost started crying because he wants to come to church so bad but can't find anyone to work his shift. Eventually he decided that he needs to just be real with his boss and tell him that he's trying to go to church. He committed to talk to his boss and tell us how it goes! He didn't make it to church yesterday, but if he can make it to church next week and give us a solid commitment that he will keep the Sabbath day holy following his baptism then he can be baptized next week. Keep him in your prayers!! 

This week we had FHA (Family Home Afternoon), which is something we do once a transfer! Typically it's pretty uneventful but this time around our zone orchestrated a surprise birthday party at FHA for an Elder in our zone. This Elder is pretty soft spoken and reserved, and he was SO surprised that we went out of our way to celebrate his birthday. He definitely felt special and we all had a blast! I've learned that if we can't take care of our own inside the fold, the Lord will never trust us to take care of those outside of the fold. 

Us with our handiwork
OH lol we had a really funny moment this week. A couple months ago we got into this prank war of sorts with our district leader and his companion--all harmless things--like switching the helmets on their bikes, or them locking our bikes together, etc. So this week Sister Jensen and I were leaving the church building and we saw that the Elders had left their bikes at the church. It was our turn to retaliate and we had this BRILLIANT idea to lock one of the Elder’s bike IN a tree. So we U-locked his bike into this tree and then went home for dinner. About twenty minutes into our dinner hour, the Elders called us. They were like "Hey Sisters, were you at the church building? Have you seen Elder Lind’s bike by chance??" and we were like "Oh yeah we were there...you might want to try looking up outside somewhere." and they were like "Yeah we're outside...there’s no bike anywhere...wait but there is part of a U-lock on the ground...hmm...well guess his bike was stolen, we better figure this out." and then they hung up on us. We were pretty sure they were pulling our leg, but at the same time we were like...but wait...what if his bike is legit stolen? So we started like freaking out and running through all the possibilities haha we were like...okay we KNOW that we locked the lock, and it's only been about twenty minutes since we were at the church building, and u-locks are virtually indestructible--there's NO WAY that it got stolen, right?? But we were still worried so we ended up swinging by the building to see if they were still there--and they were...with both bikes! They were totally pulling our leg! They saw us drive by so they called us right after and we were like "yeah yeah, nice try Elders" and then Sister Jensen was like "but thanks a lot, I actually thought your bike had gotten stolen and it STRESSED me out. Now I have a migraine and I'm throwing up. We're not going to be able to go out and work the rest of the night." and they bought it! Haha we turned the prank that they'd turned on us back on them. That night on district calls they felt so bad that we "hadn't been able to work" that night...it was hilarious! We told them the next day at weekly planning that we'd been messing with them and we all had a good laugh about it. 

We had a lesson with N this week and we taught the first part of the plan of salvation. N is so humble, so penitent. I feel God's love for her so powerfully every time we teach her. During our lesson she was just crying because her life has been really difficult lately and she had been feeling like it was unbearable. It was cool to be able to testify to her that one of the purposes of life is to learn to rely on the Lord through difficulties. Partway through our lesson, she began experiencing a lot of pain, so we had to cut our lesson short. She ended up going to the ER and found out that she'd had a cyst inside her abdomen rupture. And then yesterday another one ruptured. :( Please keep her in your prayers; she's going through a lot. 

AZ at it again!
We had a lesson with J this week!!!! I love him so much and I miss seeing him multiple times a week. This guy is literally so awesome. He couldn't make it to church this past week and he walked into our lesson and said "Sisters, it's been a crappy week and I know it's because I didn't go to church. I've repented and I'll be there this week." Yes! J! We taught all about temples and yesterday he got his recommend so we should be going to the temple and doing baptisms with him this week! So excited!! 

We taught C a few times this week as well. Sister Jensen taught her on exchanges about the Gift of the Holy Ghost. C knows that amidst all the chaos in her life she needs the Spirit on her side to guide her. That's one of the biggest things she's looking forward to post-baptism. We also taught her the Law of Chastity and Tithing. She is so faithful! She's really struggling to make ends meet right now but she committed to live the Law of Tithing no questions asked. She was basically like "If God is asking me to, then I’ll do it, He'll take care of me." Ah, I just love her and I am so excited for her baptism this weekend! She came to church yesterday and did so much better than last week; she stayed in the chapel for almost all of sacrament meeting! I'm so proud of her and I know that God has great things in store for her in her life. 

Also, we've been teaching an OAY named B, and his eight year old sister, L, for a little bit now. B isn't ready for baptism, but L is...so she'll be getting baptized this Saturday as well! ALL the baptisms haha, it's going to be a great week. We are so excited! 

I love you all! 

Sister Jacobson 

My map of all the people in BofM
Gotta mix that icing
Licking the icing!
Cake we made for Elder Francis
Me with the bike
The Elders with their bike
Elder Matua with the ZL's landlord

Week 73: Living the Gospel > Talking About the Gospel

June 18, 2018

Hola Hola!

Gilbert, AZ
It's been a good few days! When Sister Jensen and I were reflecting on the past week we realized that all of our time was spent either in appointments or in meetings...we've been super busy!

We met with T three days in a row this week! It's cool to see his knowledge and understanding increasing each time we meet with him. He's beginning to connect the dots between gospel principles and his testimony is growing every day!

Last week when we taught the Word of Wisdom he asked us what our beliefs were on life after death. We left him with an assignment to read Alma 40 (https://www.lds.org/scriptures/bofm/alma/40?lang=eng) and promised him that the next time we met with him we would teach him about God's plan for us! He was SO excited when he showed up to our next lesson. We drew the Plan of Salvation out on the chalkboard and he was so fascinated by it. He had tons of questions and told us that he felt really strongly that this plan was made just for him!

Unfortunately, T's family is pretty unsupportive of his desire to be baptized and his investigation of the Church. They have been asking him lots of difficult questions and he hasn't been sure how to answer them, and he's been pretty down about that this week. He's been having some doubts, so for our next lesson we read 1 Nephi 17 (https://www.lds.org/scriptures/bofm/1-ne/17?lang=eng) with him, and we brought A, one of our recent converts who's family wasn't supportive. In 1 Nephi 17, Nephi is commanded to build a boat, and his family doubts that God has actually commanded him to do this thing. Nephi responds with his testimony and shows them God's power. We applied it very directly to T's life, and A had some great insight to share. T is stressing about his family accepting him and he's stressed about how this decision will affect his family, and in that moment it just hit me so hard that this decision isn't going to just bless him in a positive way...it’s going to bless his entire family in a positive way. They'll see the change in him and see the blessings baptism brings into his life, and once they see that they'll be happy for him. I haven't ever been in T's situation, with unsupportive family members, but I think every YSA (Young Single Adult) I've ever taught on my mission has faced family opposition...and for the most part I've observed two different ways of dealing with it. The first way is to wait it out, and wait for the family members to come around, and postpone receiving all the blessings that the gospel has to offer ...and chances are, they'll be waiting for a while. The second way is to move forward in faith, trusting that the Lord will provide a way, begin reaping the blessings the Lord has in store, and in time the family will see the positive effects of living the gospel. I don't know, I guess a shorter way of saying this is there's a difference between living the gospel and talking about the gospel. I know that living the gospel is more powerful and converting than talking about the gospel. But anyways, it was a good lesson.

Our third lesson we read President Nelsons talk "Revelation for the Church, Revelation for our Lives" (https://www.lds.org/general-conference/2018/04/revelation-for-the-church-revelation-for-our-lives?lang=eng) and talked about living prophets. T loved it! He was very touched by President Nelson’s words and is pumped that there's a prophet on the earth today. T didn't come to church yesterday, so we will have to push his baptism back...please, please keep him in your prayers! He is so prepared and so ready, but is a little bit lacking faith in God and in himself.

Exchanges with Sis. Tingey
We had exchanges this week! I was with Sister Tingey in my area, and we had a ton of fun together. She's been on her mission for about eight months and is awesome. On our day together it was RAINING. Arizona is experiencing a really bad drought right now, so this past fast Sunday, the area seventy invited all the members to fast and pray for rain. Literally every member in the state of Arizona fasted and prayed for rain and boy was our prayer answered! It rained all day long on Saturday, and the temperature plummeted from 110+ all the way down to 75. It was amazing. The power of fasting and prayer is real!

Yesterday we had a lesson with N. It's been a while since we've seen her, we thought that she'd had surgery two weeks ago and was down...but we texted her this week and she immediately responded wanting to meet up! We taught her the Restoration. It was a very short, but very powerful lesson. I felt the Spirit witness to my heart again the truthfulness of our message; Christ's church is truly back on the earth! I know N felt the spirit as well. She is so sweet and receptive to the gospel.

Also last night A shared her conversion story at our mission’s new member fireside! She also broke the news to us this week that she wants to serve a mission!!!!!!!!!!! We are so excited. She's a stud and I love her so much.

We met with C again this week as well and taught the Word of Wisdom. She already follows the Word of Wisdom haha so it was easy-peasy. She is doing great with her anxiety; she is leaving the house more and more and is gaining more confidence each time! SHE CAME TO CHURCH YESTERDAY!!! MIRACLE. She sat in the chapel for about half of the service and then we moved to the foyer so she could escape the crowds a little bit. She was so nervous but we were just so proud of her for being there. We are excited to meet with her this week, and we're even more excited for next weekend. :)

Anyways, I love you all! Have a great week!

Sister Jacobson 

Date night: Me, Sis. Jensen & gelato
AZ at it again
I am the best at eating sushi
Sushi Ave
MOD with sisters in our stewardship

Week 72: Faith Before the Miracle

June 13, 2018

Hello hello hello! 

Match made in heaven
Holy smokes everyone it has been a PACKED week and a half. This week our mission was blessed to be visited by Elder Weatherford T. Clayton from the Quorum of the Seventy and his wife. We spent Monday with them in zone conference and today we had a brief MLC. I can't think of a better way to spend a p-day than with a servant of the Lord. I can truly testify that he has been called of God. President Wheeler always tells us that if we're in a meeting with a General Authority and it doesn't change our lives then it is our own fault. We have been richly blessed this week as we've been taught and counseled by the Clayton's! I know that I am better because of the opportunity that I've had this week to learn from them. 

In addition to a mission tour, Sister Jensen and I have had a crazy miraculous week here in San Tan. To start the week off, we had interviews with President and Sister Wheeler. How I love them! They are both so inspired and I always come away from our interviews with a clear vision of what I need to do next. This was my last interview with President before my departing interview, and we both got a little emotional. There is a special bond that comes when you serve the Lord together! 

This week we had...not one...not two...not three...but FOUR lessons with T. He is doing so awesome! He's really grabbing hold of the gospel. I don't know if I've ever taught someone more excited to repent. So here’s a summary of each of the four lessons:

  1. We met with him and taught the Ten Commandments! He was stoked to commit to live them, and kept saying that he knew that they were inspired from God. We also decided to move his baptism to the 23rd so he could be confirmed in Sacrament meeting! 
  2. We read Alma 36 in the Book of Mormon and talked about the testimony that each of us can gain through the Spirit. At this lesson, he told us that he'd never prayed to know if the Book of Mormon was true because he just felt like it was from God. He got a little defensive, so we read Moroni 10:3-5 with him and all the pieces came together as to why we kept asking him to pray about it! He prayed that night and received a witness that the Book of Mormon is true.
  3. We felt prompted to re-teach the Restoration. We felt like he needed to understand where the BOM came from a little better, so we focused a lot on the Great Apostasy and the need for a restoration. By the end of it he had a lot better understanding. He even watched “Joseph Smith: Prophet of the Restoration” (QUALITY movie 10/10 would recommend) that night and texted us saying that he knows Joseph was a prophet!
  4. Yesterday we met with him and really focused on applying the BOM to his life. We realized that he was reading the BOM, but not really applying the principles taught. He seemed to grasp the concept! Then we taught the Word of Wisdom. He had no questions, no struggles with it, and agreed to live it easy-peasy. He is so prepared! 

Unfortunately, T did not come to church this Sunday. He had every intention to come, but his coworker bailed on him at the last second so he ended up having to work :( that means we'll have to push his baptism back a little so he can come to church twice...we're still going to try and do it the same weekend, but instead of the 23rd we are now shooting for the 24th. We are praying so hard for him to be able to make it to church!!!

Exchanges with Sister Preston
We met with J this week too! He is doing GREAT. He retains information so well. We taught the restoration and he remembered it all. He kept saying "I remember when you taught this before I was baptized you asked this question and shared this experience" and then he'd quote verbatim a question/experience we'd shared. Haha so crazy! He received the Aaronic Priesthood on Sunday, which was super awesome. So proud of him. We are shooting to go to the temple with him hopefully next week!

We went on two exchanges this week! The first exchange I was with Sister Preston, a sister who has been on her mission for about eight months. We were in my area. We had a great day together! We got to talk to lots of people, and we even got in off of the street with a potential investigator! We were able to teach her a little bit and she became a new investigator. I love exchange miracles!

Exchanges with Sister Reedy
Me on the tiny bike
The second exchange was with a sister named Sister Reedy, who has been out for about 7 months. We were in her area and we had a pretty long day. Her area is 100% bike and it was 110° outside on our exchange...and no one answered the door. Haha so it was a little rough, but we were definitely qualifying ourselves for miracles! My bike is a 20" frame, and Sister Reedy’s companion’s is a 13" frame with an un-adjustable seat...so I spent the whole day riding around like a clown. (See attached picture) We had some good laughs about that.

Okay here's a bomb story. God is legit amazing. Let me walk y'all through this miracle we saw this week. The sisters in this area have been teaching M and her daughter C for awhile and at one point M was on date to be baptized. She fell off date due to some addictions and family opposition and things like that...but we are still working with her! Back in December, C set a goal to be baptized before my MTC group went home this July. C suffers from debilitating anxiety, so the thought was that this would give her plenty of time to learn about the gospel and also get comfortable enough with the idea of coming to church. 

At the start of this transfer, a baptism at the end of this month was not looking likely for C. Sister Jensen and I actually hadn't been able to get in with M and C all transfer...and we were feeling pretty down. We stopped by their house on Tuesday night and as we prayed before going inside, I asked specifically that we would be able to get in and share a lesson because we NEEDED to see them. Straight up I think I called down a miracle haha because M answered, wasn't doing anything, let us in, and we started having a lesson....just with M. C was on a long distance phone call and said she wouldn't join us. We read 2 Nephi 4, and M was SOBBING on the couch. We were testifying of God's love, and of Christ's redeeming power, and the Spirit was at His peak when C came out and sat down. She said she just felt strongly that she needed to get off the phone and be there with us. We finished the chapter, and C turned to us and said "it's crazy because you always know just what to read with us" and then proceeded to unload her entire life on us. This family is facing some of the most intense life burdens. In short, she told us that her husband is abusing substances and had recently left her. She turned to us and said, "If God is so loving and so merciful then tell me what I have done to deserve all of this?!" we literally didn't even know what to say. But it was way cool because we just testified again and brought the Spirit back, and then Sister Jensen invited C to meet with Bishop. C stopped and goes "actually, today the thought crossed my mind that I needed to meet with him and talk with him about things. I was just too scared to call him." We called Bishop right then and there and he set up a time for not only him, but his counselors to meet with her. It was awesome! 

So we went back two nights later, and right before we got there C had just gotten home from filing for divorce. The timing could not have been more perfect. She tearfully told us about the experience she'd had when she met with the counselors in the bishopric. She said their visit with her had brought clarity and peace, and they'd given her a Priesthood blessing. She told us that that was the first time she’s truly felt God's love and peace since her son died a year and a half ago. Sister Jensen and I were very touched, that is a HUGE leap in her progress! At that moment, both Sister Jensen and I felt very prompted to invite C to be baptized...but neither one of us acted on the prompting. When we left the lesson we were both so mad at ourselves...and were kicking ourselves for the missed opportunity. 

But wait...it doesn't end there. On Sunday C met with Bishop. She drove to the church by herself, walked into the church by herself, and sat down with Bishop...ALL BY HERSELF!!! We stopped by on Sunday night and she told us that walking through the halls of the church she didn't even feel nervous or anxious...she felt calm and peaceful!! She was so surprised, and so were we. She told us that Bishop had invited her to church on Sunday and she committed to come! She also told us that Bishop had asked her to be baptized...and she'd been hesitant to accept the commitment. We then told C that we'd felt prompted to invite her to baptism two nights earlier but hadn't, and that we'd dropped by with the intent of basically redeeming ourselves haha. She paused for a little bit, and then asked what the process to be baptized would look like...so we walked her through step by step, and the more we explained, the more she realized how close she was to being able to be baptized. At the very end of the lesson we invited her to be baptized on June 30th and she said YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WE ARE SO EXCITED!!!! She can totally make it, and she knows it! God is legit amazing. Even though C has been through hell and back this week, I know that these trials are what have ultimately led her to have this desire to draw closer to God. I know that her meeting with the counselors in the bishopric and bishop were instrumental in her feeling the Spirit again. We are so excited for her. Please keep her in your prayers. 

So yeah, that was way awesome. But if you thought that that tapped us out for miracles for the week you thought wrong! We met with A again this week. We took him on a tour of the church. He is now renting a room in a home right by the church so he expressed some curiosity about the church building. Our lesson started out much of the same way that it did last week. He came into the church looking very downtrodden and worn out, and wouldn't make eye contact with us. As we walked through the building and helped him feel God's love though, he began to perk up. We brought a member with us who has suffered from addiction as well, and A connected really well with him. You could just see the hope enter A's eyes when this member told him that he was a recovering addict. Here was someone with a seemingly perfect life, telling A that he CAN really, truly change, and he knows it from personal experience! It was very powerful. At the end of the lesson, we invited him to be baptized on July 21st and he accepted!!!!! Wooohoooo!! He also accepted our invitation to attend ARP classes, he is doing great. 

South zones with Elder Clayton
To top the week off, we had MLC and Zone Conference with Elder and Sister Clayton. Zone Conference was incredible. We focused a lot on the faith to find and baptize converts, how to set goals and make plans, and how to help people keep commitments. It was a training that I know I definitely needed. Elder Clayton's training was entirely focused around receiving revelation. He gave us a "recipe" for receiving revelation...an acronym taken from Matthew 7:7,  "Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you." The Acronym is ASK. A-Ask, it all begins with a question that we need an answer to. S-Seek, our next step is to seek the answer to the question through studying the scriptures or the words of modern day prophets. K-Knock, finally we turn to the Lord in prayer, inviting Him to confirm the answers we have found in the scriptures, or educate us further. It was great! I really latched onto that training. 

And of course MLC today was top-notch as well. Elder and Sister Clayton did a ton of follow-up training. We were able to council with one another and really dig down deep and find out what our mission is made of. We talked about what we do well and what we could do better, and then Elder Clayton helped us apply the things we'd learned in zone conference so that we could improve on our weak points. I am so ready to hit these last three weeks running and apply everything that we've learned these past few days!!

Man I know this email is so long...I am just seriously so blown away by how much the Lord is blessing us here in Arizona. I've truly learned on my mission that the Lord is far better to us than we will ever deserve. At the beginning of this transfer, we were dropped by our most promising investigator, and had no other investigators close to baptism. But now we have three people on date to be baptized, and several others progressing who will make that commitment soon. I know that faith truly does precede the miracle. Ether 12:6. I am humbled and grateful that the Lord has blessed us so plentifully this week. He is giving us much success, and I just feel blessed to be a part of it. 

I love you all! 

Sister Jacobson 
Amazing thing I discovered
AZ sunsets
AZ sunsets
Car selfies in AZ summer be like

Car selfies be like