Week 53: Key Lime Pie

January 29, 2018
I hope everyone has had a great week! It's been another busy one here, and unfortunately this week Sister Small's immune system failed her. She woke up a few days ago with a ton of congestion and her throat is killing her; she hasn't been sick in a few years so she says that her body is finally catching up to her haha! We're surprised that it took her so long to get sick, especially since I was sick for three weeks straight and the majority of our mission has been sick these past few weeks. Luckily I have a plethora of cold medication so we can take care of her!
This week we had zone conference! Some of my favorite memories from my mission are zone conferences; I always look forward to them. This zone conference was based off of Elder Lynn G. Robbins' talk "Be 100% Responsible." (https://speeches.byu.edu/talks/lynn-g-robbins_be-100-percent-responsible/) We read that talk for MLC a couple of months ago and it's seriously one of the best talks ever! President Wheeler told us that if we can learn how to be 100% responsible then we will be 100% successful and 100% happy. That's a pretty cool promise! This week Sister Small and I have been focusing on how to be more responsible in our proselyting efforts, with our stewardship, with our day to day tasks...basically everything! It's hard but it's also a valuable skill to learn.
Someone thanked us for helping?
You're welcome?
On Tuesday night we were biking through the neighborhood on our way to contact a potential investigator and we saw a lady walking her dogs smoking a cigarette and drinking some wine. We said hello as we passed, but we both felt like it was a pretty awkward situation to try and talk to her so we kept biking. We literally passed her, and both of us looked at each other and were like "We hate ourselves. This is a prime opportunity to contact her." but we still felt pretty awkward so we kept biking to the potentials house, only to realize that the address didn't exist. We decided that this was the Lord telling us clear as day to go and talk to this lady, so we turned around and went and talked to her. She was a little closed off at first, and kept saying "Have a great night!" but we kept finding things to talk about. Eventually we got on the subject of trusting in the Lord. She told us about the leap of faith it took for her to move to Arizona, because she left everything behind in Michigan. She told us that her family thought she was crazy for moving to Arizona, but now, four months later, it's the best decision she's ever made. And then she told us that a few years ago she'd gone on a humanitarian expedition to a little country in Africa, and while she was there war broke out in the country. She told us of a few of her experiences while she was there, and how she was lucky to escape unscathed, and how she knew that the Lord was protecting her because she was participating in a righteous cause. We had a great conversation about how the Lord places His trust in us, and when we act on our faith, He blesses us as a result. By the end of our conversation she was like "Please come back! I'm free again next Tuesday, definitely stop by the house!" So we are going back tomorrow night to hopefully teach her.
We had a lesson with L this week! I love that girl so much. She just loves her institute classes this semester and I swear every time we meet with her she's had another spiritual experience! She told us that she'd gone to the Bible study class with her mom and that it had been an awesome experience. She told us that it was different from our religion, and that she even noticed a difference in the Spirit that was present there! But she told us that the discussion question was "What is the purpose of life?" and she wasn't sure what to say, but then she remembered Elder Uchtdorf's devotional from a couple of weeks ago in which he talked about trusting the Lord in the present and then looking back at the end of your life and seeing all the different dots connect, so she made a comment like that, and everyone was amazed! She said that everyone in the group kept referring back to that comment! I felt like a proud mom listening to her tell us this story. We spent the majority of our lesson talking about how God is the source of all truth, and how when we receive answers from God we can trust that they are true. Then we talked about the Book of Mormon, and how it is another source of true doctrine. We talked about all the lessons we can learn from the Book of Mormon, and then we read 1 Nephi 3 and 4 together and applied it very directly to her life. I was pretty bold, I was basically like "I've been here for six months. I was here the first time you had a baptismal day, I was here when all the opposition arose from your family the first time, I was here the second time you had a baptismal day, I was here when all the opposition arose the second time, and I know that it's been discouraging, but I also know that the Lord won't give you anything that you can't handle. He WILL provide a way for you to be baptized." and the Spirit was really strong. I pray every single day that her parent's hearts will soften, because I want her to get baptized so bad and receive ALL of the blessings that the Lord has in store for her. I feel of the Lord's love for L so powerfully every lesson we have with her and I know that she does as well, I can only imagine what the Spirit will be like at her baptism when she is finally able to make that sacred covenant with the Lord.
This week we were talking about one of our investigators, K, who we haven't been able to get in with recently. Her grandma has been in and out of the hospital and it's just been a really rough time for her. We've texted her a few times but haven't been able to meet, and haven't wanted to be insensitive by just being like "hello can we pls meet with you?" Haha so we were brainstorming other ways of contacting her and decided to take a treat to her house! We went to Cafe Rio and picked up a key lime pie to take to her. The worker tried to put whipped cream on top, but he forgot to shake the can, so the whipped cream was legit liquid and soupy on top of this pie, but we were like...it's fine...it'll still taste good even if it looks weird! Haha. We always meet with K at the church because her parents want her to wait until she's eighteen to be baptized, so we've never been to her house. We were a little nervous, because we weren't sure how her parents would react. But we went to her house anyways, and it was like 8:45 at night, and her house was all dark, but her car was outside...so we knocked pretty quietly on the door...and no one answered. So we knocked a second time, but Sister Small somehow managed to stumble when she stepped forward to knock on the door and ended up crashing into the door and making a HUGE commotion, so we were super embarrassed, but we still waited. No one came to the door so there we were, standing on our investigator's doorstep...with a key lime pie that needed to be refrigerated so we didn't want to just leave it haha. But we didn't know what else to do...so we left the pie on the doorstep, and then we went to our car and called her...and she didn't answer...so we texted her and were like "CHECK YOUR DOORSTEP!!" and she replied! She was so grateful and opened up to us a little about how she is going through this really hard time, and she wants to meet this week! We have an appointment with her for Wednesday and we are so excited to help her see more about how the gospel can help her.
Exchanges with Sister Olsen
This week I went on exchanges with Sister Olsen, a sister who's been on her mission for thirteen months! She serves in Queen Creek, so it was my first time going back to the southern half of our mission for proselyting since my first transfer. Her area actually borders my greenie area so the whole day I was biking and I felt like I was reliving my first three months on my mission, because directly across the street was where I learned how to be a missionary! We had an AWESOME exchange, probably one of the best ones I've ever been on. We had an awesome contact with a potential investigator and he was so enthusiastic about having us come back the next day. Then right towards the end of the evening nothing we had planned felt right so we prayed, and she felt like we needed to drop by one of their investigators. As we were walking up to the door Sister Olsen was like "She's usually really busy...so I don't think we'll be able to get in and sit down with her." but she opened the door, was so happy to see us, and invited us right in! We visited briefly, and then she told us that in her old neighborhood she had always seen the LDS people walking to church together on Sunday and she'd always wanted to go with them, but no one had ever invited her. We were able to invite her to church and she was SO excited to find out that she could come with us; she literally had no idea that anyone was welcome! Super cool. The next day we had a service project and it was legit manual labor. We were building raised gardening beds for a part-member family and it was a lot of lifting blocks, digging trenches, shoveling manure, raking hay, and mixing dirt. My back is still sore! But it was really cool to see this family's hearts softening as we served them.
Queen Creek zone sports
While I was on exchanges, Sister Small followed up with someone who Bishop had brought to church on Christmas. We hadn't been able to set up a return appointment with her at Christmas, and we weren't sure where she lived...but then this week we saw her in her car at a stop light...and then as we were biking through the neighborhood we saw the car, so we guessed it was her house haha. Divine design! But anyways, this lady is beyond golden. She was SO excited to see Sister Small and gave her a huge hug and was like "I can't wait to come to church again!! I want to learn more about Jesus Christ!!" But unfortunately, she is moving this week to Apache Junction, so we will not be able to teach her. :( She's supposed to come to church this week though so keep her in your prayers!
Last night we went to a potential's house who I met two months ago. He was SO nice, and we helped him rake leaves, and he told us to come back....in January when he got back from being out of town. I didn't have a ton of faith that he was actually interested, but then we went by last night and had an awesome conversation with him and he wants us to come back later this week to sit down and talk with him! We are so excited!
Anyways, I gotta run! I love you all and hope you have a great week!
Sister Jacobson 
Someone didn't like my park job

Week 52: Tina Got Baptized

January 22, 2018

Hello everyone! 

Transfer 8 in the books
One year! Sister Small and I officially hit our year marks as missionaries on Thursday. It's a really weird feeling being like...a year ago today...I was on my mission. It's been the fastest year of my life, and it's also been the best! This week Sister Small and I read our journal entries from our first day at the MTC and we both realized how much we've grown in the past year. It's really cool being companions with someone who started her mission at the same time as me, because not only do I recognize the changes in myself, but she recognizes them as well! If that made sense haha. 
One year with these pretty gals

On Thursday we also had the STL meeting for this transfer; it's one of my favorite parts of this calling! At the start of every transfer we're able to gather together with the other Sister Training Leaders, receive our list of sisters in our stewardship, and discuss the needs of the sisters in the mission. This time Sister Wheeler gave us a brief training on confidence. We talked about how all of us feel like we're just "average"--like we're okay at sports, singing, art, etc...but we're just okay...we're not super talented or super good, and there's always someone better. It was really cool because these are all things that I've definitely felt before, but I thought I was the only one! We talked about how we can get past the comparison and instead focus on what our Heavenly Father sees in us. Super uplifting! Also, since we were at the STL meeting, we were with Sisters Donaldson and Rowley, who were mine and Sister Small's MTC companions. It was so sweet to be reunited on our year mark as missionaries as the four of us sisters who started this journey together! Afterwards we went out to lunch together at Burrito Shack, which was super tasty.
Celebration lunch at Burrito Shack

We had a lesson with L this week! It had been so long since we'd had a lesson with her, and it was so good to see that she is still doing well and that her testimony is as strong as ever. Last Sunday was her first Sunday back at church in a few weeks due to traveling and she told us that when she came to church she remembered how much she loved it and was so excited to come this week! We watched the Bible Video of Peter walking on water--my favorite New Testament story--and talked about how focusing on Christ eliminates the distractions that might otherwise beset us. L told us that she's excited to be back in school because that means that she's back in institute classes! It's so cool teaching someone who has so many other contacts with the gospel throughout the week outside of interactions with us. She also told us that she and her mom are going to start going to a Bible study class together, which is really exciting and hopefully it will open up a door for her to talk about religion more openly and more frequently with her parents. We are praying!!

We also had a lesson with the K’s this week. CK was so excited to have us over for Taco Tuesday, and we were equally as excited because let me tell ya...the K’s can COOK. We had some DELICIOUS tacos and then we had a lesson about waiting on the Lord. We talked about how because of CK's patience and her trust in Him, that her prayer was finally answered and she was able to receive a testimony of the living prophets and apostles. We asked them what their next goals were and they seemed a little unsure, but throughout the course of the conversation we found that CK's concern about prophets and apostles isn't totally gone, it's just a little subdued. There are still some things that she's struggling with, and still some things that are definitely bothering her, but overall the biggest concern has been resolved. And, she told us that MK is officially TWO WEEKS without coffee or alcohol!!! That is HUGE. MK didn't act like it was that big of a deal, but literally one month ago he freaked out when we invited him to stop drinking coffee and alcohol. That family. Man. They are just making leaps and bounds left and right. We tried to give them a soft date to prepare for baptism on, but they didn't even want to talk about it...because we still don't know the timeline for MK. It's a little tough because we won't know the timeline until he meets with Bishop again, so we ended up settling for a commitment invitation for him to meet with Bishop. Please keep them in your prayers! 

As sketchy as the AGM gets
This week we were out finding, and Sister Small and I felt really inspired to be on this one street...but door after door was slamming and we were just getting nowhere. Recently we've been really frustrated with the lack of new investigators we've been able to pick up in our area, because we go out and we work hard every day, and we talk to everyone we see, and we have awesome conversations about the gospel, and the Spirit is present...and then we ask if we can come back and the person says "No, I'm good." It’s literally person after person after person. It's been so frustrating...but we're still going out and working because we've both seen on our missions that the hardest, most difficult times are always followed by the best, most miraculous times. So we were knocking doors, and we go through this whole street with every single house rejecting us, and we get to the last door. We walk up to the door and before we knock I looked at Sister Small and I said, "Fourth floor, last door?" (reference to one of Elder Uchtdorf's talks, https://www.lds.org/general-conference/2016/10/fourth-floor-last-door?lang=eng) and she nodded, and then we knocked. A man named J answered the door, and he told us that he'd lived in the neighborhood for fifteen years. Right away, our hearts sank, because most people who have lived in the neighborhood for that long are accustomed to the missionaries coming by once a month like clockwork and are over it haha. But we struck up a conversation with him, and he was a super nice guy! We talked a little bit about Arizona, and about America, and it was a pretty good conversation, and then we brought up faith. He mentioned to us that he was Catholic but his faith in Christ had definitely been shaken more than once. There was a lull in the conversation and we didn't really know what to say, but it ended up being a good stupor of thought haha because after a moment of silence he goes "Back in 2002, my ex-wife and I lost our baby, and it was a turning point for me in my faith because I had to look inside and decide if I still believed in God or not." We testified to him that we knew that God was real, and that he would see his baby again. He said, "Will I though? Or is that just something nice that we tell ourselves when we go through a tough time?" We started testifying of the power of prayer, as well as the Plan of Salvation. He had question after question, and eventually I asked him if he'd ever read the Book of Mormon. He said, "No, but I have a copy." I told him that the Book of Mormon contained the answers to a lot of his questions, and that if he read it and prayed about it he would be able to find peace about some of his inner turmoil for the first time in a really long time. We gave him a new copy of the Book of Mormon, with a “Plan of Salvation” pamphlet inside marking the place of Alma 40. He said he'd read Alma 40 and the pamphlet and that he would pray about it! Super cool! We were so grateful that we'd kept knocking, and that we were able to talk with J. We're hopeful that we'll be able to see him again this week and follow up about his reading! 

We spoke in one of our wards yesterday on missionary work! Our ward mission leader was supposed to speak with us, but he had to go out of town for work at the last minute, so he texted us on Saturday basically like "hey make your talks longer so our new bishop doesn't have to fill in the remainder of the time" so Sister Small and I followed through and really beefed up our talks...and then we got to church and it turns out bishop had found a special musical number AND an additional speaker so we were like sweet! What a blessing! But then...it was not a blessing haha. Sister Small took 20 minutes--EASY on her talk...and then when I got up to speak it was another EASY 20 minutes. Neither one of us watched the clock haha. It was 2:05 by the time I sat down and bishop just got up and said "We'll have the special musical number be our closing hymn and we'll have this other brother speak in February." Oops. I remember always being so stressed to get up and speak in sacrament meeting, or teach a lesson before my mission...but now I'm so at ease speaking in front of people and I can easily fill twenty minutes of time and still have more to say. 

Tina's baptism!
Tina was baptized and confirmed on Saturday!!!! It was so exciting!! Tina is by far the most golden, most prepared person I've ever taught on my mission. She had been going to church every week and meeting with the missionaries when we started teaching her three months ago, and she easily could have been baptized a long time ago. She wanted to wait for baptism until she finished the Book of Mormon, but it finally got to the point where she realized that she couldn't wait any longer, she needed to be baptized and receive the Holy Ghost. She is in Alma 2 in her Book of Mormon reading...which is still super good/rare for a recent convert. On the morning of her baptism we texted her "Happy baptism day! Here's a reminder of what to bring/when to be there:" and she responded back "Thank you!! I am so excited; it's a beautiful day for a baptism. Today is the most important day of my eternal life!" We LOVED that. It's evidence that Tina understands the important decision she just made; she understands the eternal significance of it! And that's what ultimately determines if someone is converted or not; their understanding of the sacred covenants that they make and their willingness to keep them.

There were easily 80+ people at her baptism. So many people from her boyfriend's ward were there, and so many from her ward, as well as the majority of her family came in from out of town. She had so much support.  As she was being baptized there were just tears streaming down her face and when she came up out of the water she exclaimed "I am so blessed!" It took her forty minutes to change afterwards haha...easily the longest time I've ever waited for someone to change at a baptism but she looked super fly when she came out of that bathroom hahaha. And the cool thing was, no one was annoyed or antsy...everyone was just so happy for Tina and so glad that she was happy! There was such a sweet spirit at her baptism, and we could feel the Lord's love for Tina so abundantly. There were loads of nonmembers there and many of them commented on the amount of love they felt in the room! It's been such a blessing to teach her and help her progress towards baptism. She's going to be a stellar member of the Church. This week we are planning on teaching her family history and hopefully in the next couple of weeks we'll be able to go to the temple with her. So exciting. :) 

The great AGM!
Tina is the tenth convert I've been able to teach and help progress to baptism in this area of Desert Ridge. Tina's baptism is also the first convert baptism that her ward has seen in over two years--it is a result of much prayer and fasting, and the ward has done such a good job fellowshipping her. In the last six months, all three of the family wards I'm serving in have had a convert baptism. A year ago this area was considered one of the "dead areas" of the mission, but over the past year there have been a couple really hardworking and diligent missionaries to serve in this area and now it is one of the best areas in the mission! There are truly no dead areas! The Lord is constantly preparing the hearts of His people--it's our responsibility to help them feel the spirit. I'm so grateful I've been able to witness firsthand the Lord pour out His blessings upon this area and upon these people. I love this work and I love this gospel! I love being a missionary and I love having the opportunity to serve the good people of Gilbert (Mesa) Arizona! This past year of my life has been PRICELESS and irreplaceable; I wouldn't trade it for the world. Serving a mission is the best decision I have ever made and I am so grateful to have this opportunity! I am beyond excited for these next six months. They are going to fly by and I am excited to make the most of every minute. 

I love you all! 

Sister Jacobson 

AGM Sisters
Technology glitz

Week 51: Anotha One in Dridge

 January 15, 2018

Hey hey hey!!

Str8 outta dridge
Transfer calls came in last night and I am so excited to be staying in Desert Ridge for another transfer!! After this transfer I'll have been in D-Ridge for 7.5 months, making this area my longest by a long shot. I love this area so much; the people here feel like family, and I think that this week they've become self-aware of how long I've been here haha, almost every dinner we've had the members are like "wow you've been here forever!" and I'm like yeah isn't it amazing?! Haha and of course I'm so excited to be staying with Sister Small! This next transfer is going to be amazing. 
Exchanges with Sister Haley

This week we had the opportunity to go on exchanges! I was with Sister Haley, a sister who has been out just under two months. During the exchange I was freaking out a little bit because she's right at the beginning of her mission and I'm 2/3 through mine. We had a great day though. She's a super quiet girl, but on our exchange she had plenty of opportunities to open her mouth and talk to people! We even handed out a couple of BOMs. She's going to be an awesome missionary. 

We had a lot of little encounters this week that are not coincidences! I feel like everyone we talked to this week was either less-active members of the church, or former members of the church. One day we felt really prompted to tract this one street in our area. We started tracting, and were five or six houses in and no doors had opened. But we felt prompted to be there, so we kept knocking. About halfway down the street a door opened and we found ourselves talking to this guy named B. We had a conversation about faith in Christ and how it can help us, and he was not really interested. We asked him if he'd ever heard of the Book of Mormon and he hesitated and then said, "Yeah...I used to be LDS." We were very surprised, so we asked him when the last time he'd read it was. He told us it was in seminary, and then expressed to us that his family are "black sheep" and don't fit in with the church. We were able to testify to Him of God's love for all of His children, regardless of who they are. The Spirit was so strong as we were standing on his doorstep. I shared one of my favorite scriptures, Ephesians 4:12, which talks about the purpose of the church. It says, "For the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ." I think sometimes we attend church, and we see all of these beautiful people with these seemingly perfect lives and we compare their highlight reel with the raw footage of our own lives and we wonder if we really fit in with all of these people, when in reality we only see a small snippet of their lives. The church isn't a museum for us to cruise around and look at already perfected people; it's a laboratory for the PERFECTING (present tense!) of the saints. We meet together often to strengthen one another and learn how to become better. B was really touched, and we invited him to come and worship with us again. He said maybe! The rest of the time we were on that street, no other doors opened...but we know that we were sent there for B!

We had another moment where we were trying to contact a potential and this lady answered the door, said "Just a moment." and then went back inside. When she came back she invited us in. We were so scared we were about to get anti'd. (Can you tell we've had one too many bad experiences to make that be our first reaction when we're invited in?) Haha but it was pretty cool because we sat down and started talking to them, and found out that they were converts to the church! They joined about fifteen years ago, and then had their names removed from the records of the church when they began to experience discord within their family. She said, "If it hadn't caused so much contention in our family I would still be a member today." We had a great visit with them, and they told us they didn't know any of their neighbors, so afterwards we walked outside with them and pointed out a few homes for them to visit. They live in a prime spot; the stake president lives across the street from them, one of our investigators is their babysitter, and the H family (RCs from August) live just down the street from them! 

D-ridge zone pencil jumping
Another night we were biking down the street in one of our neighborhoods when we saw two guys outside. We stopped and started talking to them, and they ended up telling us that they were both members, although both inactive. One of them got emotional and told us that recently he'd realized he needed God in his life. He was like "Sisters, I've messed up my life. I'm so far off the path I need to be on. I have a girlfriend and two kids and I'm not man enough to be a good boyfriend and father. I can't do this on my own. I need God." He also told us he'd recently moved in, and his girlfriend had gone to church a few times but he hadn't been yet. We told him the time that the ward met at, and the building. Then HE asked US if we had a Book of Mormon we could give to him. We were like "Of course!!" and gave him one. He was so appreciative and told us it had been years since he had his own physical copy of the Book of Mormon. Super cool!

This week we attended a baptism with T! She LOVED it. As the person was being baptized she got all teary eyed and turned to me and said "That's me next week!" It's so cool to teach someone who understands the amazing step baptism is. Right afterwards she had her baptismal interview and she passed with flying colors, so we are a go for this Saturday! We are so excited. During our lesson with her this week she asked us if we could help her do family history work so she could take her mom's name to the temple to do baptisms. :') 

On Friday we had the opportunity to watch President Monson's funeral. It was a beautiful service. I know he was truly a prophet of God; I received a powerful testimony of that eternal truth when I was a sophomore in high school and President Monson came to rededicate the Boise Temple. I remember singing in the choir for the youth cultural celebration and practicing for weeks and weeks to get the songs just right, but on the night of the celebration, about five minutes before it began, the conductor got up and said, "When President Monson walks into the room, we are going to stand and sing 'We Thank Thee O God For a Prophet.'" I remember being a little surprised, because we had never sung the song as a group before, and there had been such an emphasis on perfecting the other pieces since we would be performing for the prophet. But sure enough, when President Monson walked into that room, we all stood and sang for him. I will never forget that feeling. The Spirit was so strong and I could hardly sing. The song definitely wasn't perfect; but the spiritual witness was. The Spirit confirmed to me that he was a prophet and that the Brethren of this church are men who have been called of God. It's been my pleasure to sustain him as a prophet these past ten years and I am so excited for the opportunity to sustain the new prophet tomorrow morning. 

My bffs these past few weeks
We had a really funny moment on Saturday night. Sister Small and I had been talking about how frustrated we were because we felt like we were in a bit of a rut; we felt like we were doing the same stuff every single day and seeing the same exact results. We felt prompted to go by a potential investigator, and right as we were getting to her house her neighbor was outside. Her neighbor is a former investigator that we've been teaching a little bit off and on. Her name is C, and she was SO excited to see us. She goes "Oh! Thank you so much for coming!! Please, come inside and eat with us!" We were a little confused, but she was like "Please! Come inside. We have so much food." She was really persistent, so Sister Small and I eventually decided to go inside, and when we got inside we realized that it was her sister's baby shower, and also that her entire family was there, and also that we were the only ones who didn't speak Spanish. C insisted that we sit down and enjoy some food, so we sat down at this table with this entire Hispanic family...all of them speaking Spanish...us only kinda knowing one of them...eating some tostadas. Eventually we were like okay this is ridiculous...so we tried to leave but C wouldn't let us! She was like "you haven't been here long enough!! Eat more!!" so we ate some more, and then tried to leave, but she was like no!! Stay!! and we were like no really we should be going. So she settled for making us take some dessert, except it was super gross so that's the story of how we ended up on our bishop's porch holding a milky fruit cocktail asking him if we could throw it away. Haha moral of the story: if you feel like you're in a rut, the Lord will get you out of that REAL QUICK.

Yesterday we experienced a huge miracle. Our stake had fast Sunday yesterday, and during Mountain Ranch Ward's testimony meeting yesterday CK got up and said, "I'd like to bear my testimony on something I've been trying to gain a testimony of for three years." and instantaneously burst into tears. She then went on to bear powerful witness to the fact that Thomas S. Monson was a prophet of God. She described her feelings following his death, and she said that she began to search his life and his teachings, and she realized that he was a prophet of God. She said that it took him dying for her eyes to be opened. Then she described how she began investigating the lives of ALL the Brethren and she knows that they are prophets, seers, and revelators. She was bawling the entire time. And then she says "I also want to take this opportunity to thank my local leaders" and turns and looks at the bishopric and the stake presidency, both seated on the stand, and she says, "I know they are called of God." She testified of the organization of the church! If you remember, this is coming from a woman who literally one month ago testified to us that she knew that the senior leaders of the church were "conspiring men seeking to get personal gain." Sister Small and I weren't in the meeting; we were in a different meeting, but our ward mission leader told us immediately after. Sitting in ward council with Mountain Ranch yesterday was a sacred experience as the leaders of the ward described what it was like to hear CK bear that testimony. I don't think there was a dry eye in the room. The K’s have so many people praying for them, and the Spirit is truly working on this family. The coolest thing is that this isn't a result of anything that we or the ward did...this is 100% the Lord. THIS IS THE LORDS WORK. This is all in the Lord's timing. I don't know why it took her three years to gain a testimony of modern day prophets and apostles, but the Lord does. He has a plan in store for the K family and He is watching out for them. They are changing their lives, and while three years seems like a long time to us to wait for this testimony...it's just a blip in the grand scheme of eternity. The Lord's hand is in their lives and I'm so grateful to have a front row seat to watch Him do His work and aid as best as I can. 

Recently I've been thinking a lot about the Lord's will and His timing. Sister Small and I have spent a lot of time this week talking about how frustrating it can be to wait on the Lord. You can be doing everything right, jumping through all the right hoops, but if it's not the Lord's will then it won't happen. One of the biggest challenges in life is to submit to the Lord's will. Yesterday we sang the classic song, "I Am a Child of God" and the third verse really stood out to me:

I am a child of God.
Rich blessings are in store;
If I but learn to do His will
I'll live with Him once more.

Lead me, guide me, walk beside me,
Help me find the way.
Teach me all that I must do
To live with Him someday.

I know that the Lord truly does have rich blessings in store for each of us if we learn to follow His will. The way to the celestial kingdom is completing the Lord's will in His way. Sometimes it's difficult to do that; sometimes the Lord asks us to do difficult things that we don't want to do, but I know that He has the full, eternal picture. If we turn to God in prayer, and align our will with His, then I know He will make us an instrument in His hands. As Mother Theresa said, “It’s [God’s] work. I am like a … pencil in his hand. … He does the thinking. He does the writing. The pencil has nothing to do with it. The pencil has only to be allowed to be used.”

I love you! Have a great week!

Sister Jacobson

Rough road

Water in the road
Water tester extraordinaire!
Photobombing the exchange picture
N. STL's sushi night - Sayonara Sis. Ogawa

Desert Ridge zone, the best!

Oblivious church repairman of our picture together