Week 65: Spiritual Questions Deserve Spiritual Answers

April 23, 2018
Another week, another email! This week seemed to fly by...Sister Rowley and I realized this morning that we are already on week three of this transfer and we're confused how that happened! The next few weeks are already lined up to be super busy, but we are excited for what lies ahead.
Exchanges with Sis.'s Jensen & Meglen
This week we had the opportunity to go on exchanges with some sisters in Queen Creek! They are currently in a trio so I had the opportunity to spend the day with Sister Jensen AND Sister Meglen. Sister Jensen has been on her mission for a little over nine months, and I've been her STL for her whole mission. I love that girl! She is so awesome and has grown so much as a missionary these past several months. Sister Meglen is brand new, fresh off the plane from the Provo MTC so it was really fun to get to spend the day with someone with so much greenie fire! We had a great day cruising around their area talking to everyone that we saw and inviting them to come closer to Jesus Christ.
Zone Conference
We also had Zone Conference this week! I love President and Sister Wheeler! I'm pretty sure I say that every time we have MLC or Zone Conference, but I definitely know that a huge reason why I was sent to Gilbert on my mission is because of President and Sister Wheeler. I think the longer I'm on my mission the more I realize how inspired they truly are. Zone Conference was almost an exact repeat of the last MLC--completely focused on building a Christ-centered mission culture/life. It's amazing how you can sit in two meetings; both structured exactly the same, and get completely different revelation both times. It was exactly what I needed this week!
Overall, this week I've been reflecting again on how the gospel of Jesus Christ requires effort from us. This has been a common thought of mine for the duration of my mission, and the longer I'm out the more I realize how divinely inspired it is that our Father in Heaven requires us to put forth effort to gain a testimony. If it didn't take effort to gain a testimony of the gospel then we wouldn't appreciate it! This week one of our ward mission leaders told us a story about his twelve year old daughter--she was beginning to question her testimony, so he told her that they could attend any church she wanted the next week. They picked a popular non-denominational Christian church nearby and went. He said it was a very unique experience, and afterwards he asked his daughter what the experience was like for her, and she thought for a moment and said, "Well, it was nice, but it was very different from our church." He asked her what made it different and she said, "I didn't get the same peaceful feeling that I get when I attend our church." This opened the door for him to be able to teach her about the Holy Ghost, and about the restoration of the gospel of Jesus Christ, and it triggered between the two of them a discussion that wouldn't have been near as productive if he had just answered her concern right off the bat. He recognized that although he had a testimony, regurgitating his testimony to her wouldn't be near as powerful as her gaining one for herself. It was an awesome story, and it reminded me of Matthew 16:13-17:
13¶ When Jesus came into the coasts of Cæsarea Philippi, he asked his disciples, saying, Whom do men say that I the Son of man am?
14 And they said, Some say that thou art John the Baptist: some, Elias; and others, Jeremias, or one of the prophets.
15 He saith unto them, But whom say ye that I am?
16 And Simon Peter answered and said, Thou art the Christ, the Son of the living God.
17 And Jesus answered and said unto him, Blessed art thou, Simon Bar-jona: for flesh and blood hath not revealed it unto thee, but my Father which is in heaven.
I'm pretty sure that I've shared this scripture in one of my emails a while ago, but it's honestly one of my favorites. I especially love verse 17, where Christ says "for flesh and blood hath not revealed it unto thee, but my Father which is in heaven." Gaining a testimony is difficult, and 100% time consuming--but think about it--we wouldn't want it any other way! Anything worth having is going to take effort, and spiritual questions absolutely deserve spiritual answers. Our answers to our "questions of the soul"--whether they are temporal questions, spiritual questions, doctrinal questions, historical questions, ANYTHING, are best answered by our Father in Heaven, through the power of the Holy Ghost. Gaining that witness for ourselves is absolutely essential for us if we are to endure the storms that life is bound to throw at us. I know it!

We had an awesome lesson with C and M this week! We read the Book of Mormon with them, and were able to uncover some of their concerns preventing them from progressing. Sister Rowley and I were puzzled, but as soon as we discovered their concerns so much of the past several months made sense and fell into place--we are excited to keep working with them with this newfound knowledge so that we can help them come closer to Christ!

Temple baptisms with A
We had the opportunity to go to the temple with A this week! A member gave us family names so we were able to do baptisms as well, and it was a really sweet evening. The Spirit was so strong, and A was floored to be inside the temple. When we were in the baptistry I turned to her and said, "Can you believe that you are in the temple right now??" and she looked super dazed and was like "This is the most surreal thing I've ever experienced." One of her recent convert friends also came, and we had a great time together! Haha A's boyfriend, J, performed the baptisms and straight up that is the closest I've been to a boy in fifteen months and I think the only thing that prevented it from being traumatic for me was the fact that we were in the temple. It's going to be a major “YIKES” when I come home this summer haha, I'm not mentally prepared for how awkward I'm going to be. 

But by far the most exciting thing about this week was J! We got a referral a couple of weeks ago from some other elders, for this guy named J who they'd taught like one or two times. They said they weren't sure how solid he was, but it was worth a shot. We met him on Tuesday, and the first thing he said to us was "What time is church Sunday??" We had a great conversation with him, and then set up a time to meet on Friday. Our lesson on Friday was BOMB. He is so prepared for the gospel, and is searching for friends and also to improve his relationship with Christ...the YSA ward definitely fits the bill! We asked him to pray about if the BOM is true, and he said, "I don't have to, I already know that it is." And then he told us that he prayed one night for God to give him direction, and the very next day the elders street contacted him while he was working on his truck. He wasn't too interested, but the elders were persistent and he realized that this was God's answer to his prayer, so he let them come back. And then he told us that he had told one of the elders that he is trying to quit smoking, and the elder shared a scripture with him from the BOM and told him to think about the scripture every time he wanted to smoke. J goes, "Sisters, I haven't smoked in three weeks. I know that book is true." It was awesome! Such a cool story! And we've asked all of the elders who taught him if they shared a scripture with him and none of them remember sharing a scripture...crazy! If that's not the Spirit I don't know what is haha. He came to church yesterday and made some friends and seemed really excited to be there--we're pumped to keep teaching him!

Anyways, I love you all! Have a fantastic week!
Sister Jacobson

I spy bunnies eating carrots
Temple baptisms with A & P
San Tan & Higley zones
Flag football ft noodles (arms-length)

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