Week 42: Blessed with the Best

November 13, 2017


Best comp
9.5 months later & still kickin it!
Alright everyone buckle up because tons happened this week! I can't believe it's only been a week since I emailed last; this week we were crazy busy with miracle after miracle falling from the sky. Multiple times this week Sister Utsch and I were blown away by the miracles the Lord handed to us. Sister Utsch and I are coming off of a few really tough weeks and some pretty discouraging things...but I know that the hard weeks we've had helped us appreciate the miraculous and wonderful week that we have just experienced!

To start off, on Tuesday we had zone conference! We were able to receive some awesome training from President and Sister Wheeler, and Sister Utsch and I won first place for best maintained car for the third transfer in a row! That was exciting. The only time that L could meet this week was Tuesday afternoon...in the middle of zone conference...so we had to get permission from our Zone Leaders, the Assistants to the President, AND President Wheeler to be able to leave zone conference for an hour so we could have a lesson with her. The ZLs and the APs were like "Ehhh...might not be a good idea to leave in the middle of zone conference. Ask President." And then when we asked President he was like "Yeah?? It's better to DO missionary work than TALK about missionary work right??" Haha I love President Wheeler. We weren't exactly sure what to teach L because we had been feeling like the past couple of lessons were good, but that she wasn't progressing as well as she could have. We decided to go over the restoration again and we read Joseph Smith History. The Spirit was strong, and it was a good lesson. Before the lesson, Sister Utsch and I prayed about a date to extend for baptism, and we felt pretty strongly about December 2nd. We also felt strongly that if the desire didn't come from her then the baptism wouldn't happen. So we decided to extend the date for December 2nd and then invite her to pray about it and get the confirmation for herself. However, during the lesson, we didn't extend the date. We merely invited her to pray about a baptism day. Afterwards we both felt like we had followed the Spirit but we were really nervous because sometimes when you invite investigators to pray about baptism days they decide on a day like five months in the future and then it never actually happens....

I'm at church not an art gallery
Fast forward to Wednesday, on Wednesday we had district meeting and then Family Home Afternoon with one of the senior couples. Afterwards, Sister Utsch and I went on exchanges with the sisters we live with. I was with Sister Cordon and we were in her area, so we biked to a church building to do companionship study. LITERALLY 30 minutes into the exchange I get a call from Sister Utsch on Facebook messenger. I answer the call and I'm pretty confused...we don't typically communicate with one another on exchanges, and we NEVER call one another on Facebook messenger haha so I was like this must be an emergency. Sister Utsch goes "SISTER JACOBSON L JUST TEXTED US AND SAID THAT SHE HAD A PROMPTING TO MEET WITH US AND WANTS TO MEET AT 4:30!!!" I was like "Today?!" and she's like "YES!!" and I look at the clock and I'm like "IT'S 4 OCLOCK!!!" and she's like "I KNOW!! We can't go on exchanges. I just know that we both need to be at this lesson. Sister Ultzi and I are climbing in the car right now and coming to pick you up." Haha it was crazy. So we exchange back super quick, and then Sister Utsch and I went to the church building to wait for L. We were terrified. We were like...this is going to go one of two ways...either she's going to say she wants to be baptized...or she's going to drop us and say she's not interested anymore. We said a couple very fervent prayers, and read a couple chapters out of the Book of Mormon together...and then L walked in....and she was smiling!! That was a weight lifted off our chests. She goes "Sisters today I had an opportunity to share the gospel." and proceeds to tell us this story of how she invited a high school friend to the institute building at ASU to study with her and they started talking about God. Her friend, M, felt like God had abandoned him during a hard time in his life; L testified to him that she knew that God was there and that if he asked God in prayer if He loved him then God would answer him. M said he would pray, and then he said "But how will I know that I'm receiving an answer?" And she shared Doctrine and Covenants 9:8, which says, "But, behold, I say unto you, that you must study it out in your mind; then you must ask me if it be right, and if it is right I will cause that your bosom shall burn within you; therefore, you shall feel that it is right." Too good. A few weeks ago in gospel principles we talked about praying and we practiced teaching someone how to pray. She said that that practice helped prepare her to teach M! And he committed to pray! Then she said "Sisters...I just feel so happy because I know that he's going to pray and he's going to get an answer and it's going to be the best thing ever...is this how you feel ALL THE TIME?!" and we were like...yeah basically! Haha and she was like "And I just needed to tell someone about it...and I knew that you two would be excited so I decided to text you!" and then she said, "And on my way back from ASU I just wanted to keep the Spirit with me, so I turned on some Hymns...and then I realized that I hadn't kept your commitment from yesterday to pray about a baptismal day, so I started praying about a baptismal day." AND THEN SHE SAID, "And as I prayed I realized that these past couple weeks I haven't really been progressing...and I know that the reason why I haven't been progressing is because I need to be baptized. I realized that if the Lord can use me as an instrument to share the gospel NOW, without the Holy Ghost, then He'll REALLY be able to use me once I have the Holy Ghost. And I also realized that I hadn't kept your commitment from a couple weeks ago to write down my testimony...and the Lord knew I wasn't going to do that...so He gave me this opportunity to BEAR my testimony, and when I bore my testimony to M I realized how important this gospel is to me. Sisters...I want to be baptized December 2nd." Sister Utsch and I were blown away. We got teary eyed and we were SO excited for her!! It's amazing because this came 100% from her. We had felt like December 2nd was the day, but we didn't tell her that we'd felt that way. This is a prime example of the role of the Holy Ghost in conversion. Imagine if Sister Utsch and I hadn't extended the commitment to write down her testimony a few weeks ago, or if she hadn't have invited her friend to the institute building, or if we hadn't have practiced teaching someone how to pray in gospel principles, or if she hadn't kept the Spirit with her as she was driving back from ASU. There are so many puzzle pieces that had to fit just right...I've often said on my mission that this isn't our work; it's the Lord's. Trust me, if this was our work we would have messed this up a long time ago. The Lord knew exactly what He was doing prompting us to extend that commitment, and prompting L to invite her friend to the institute building, and prompting the gospel principles instructor to plan to practice teaching someone to pray, etc. We are SO excited for L and SO excited for December 2nd. Keep her in your prayers!
We're #1!

On Tuesday we received a call from a member in one of our wards. She told us that they have a nonmember living with them who is interested in learning more about the church! His name is D and he is from the Philippines! Two weeks ago his wife died, and two days after she passed away, he suffered from a stroke. Fourteen years ago he met with the missionaries, but he wasn't ready. But as you can imagine, he is pretty humble right now. So we went over and taught him on Tuesday night....and long story short we had four lessons with him this week!! We taught him the Restoration, the Plan of Salvation, the Gospel of Jesus Christ, and had a lesson focusing on the importance of Priesthood authority and prophets. There's a little bit of a language barrier, and his speech is pretty slurred as a result of the stroke, but we're getting better at understanding him! He's an honest seeker of truth and this week we've seen him make little changes in his life. The first time he prayed out loud with us on Tuesday he was really hesitant and he prayed to Jesus Christ. But then last night he was excited to pray with us, prayed to Heavenly Father, and closed in the name of Jesus Christ. In addition, his prayers have become more fervent. He told us last night that he doesn't want to ask for anything from God unless he truly feels like he needs it; which is why he didn't ask God if our message was true the first time we met with him. But the past two times he's asked very sincerely if our message is true. He is also reading the Book of Mormon and he came to church yesterday! He told us that he loves our church because everyone is so nice and actually lives our religion. He is super big on true conversion, from the heart. He always says that true conversion changes the way that we are...it's pretty cool to see how important that is to him! He's the sweetest man and we have loved getting to know him this week! So far the biggest challenge is helping him understand the importance of Priesthood authority. His big thing is that he and his wife were baptized in the Jordan River like fifteen years ago--he's very proud of it, he loves talking about it! And it is pretty cool; not many people can say they were baptized in the Jordan River haha...but he thinks that because he was baptized in the same river as Jesus Christ that he is good to go, so it's been a little bit challenging trying to help him understand that the person who baptized him did not have the authority to perform that ordinance. We're excited to keep working with him! 

The AGM sisters invited to help at the Mesa Temple lights
This week we had a meeting up at the Mesa Temple for all the sisters who have been asked to help out at the Christmas lights! It was so fun! I seriously felt like I was in a police briefing room or something haha. They had a blueprint of the temple grounds with all of the places where the missionaries would be mapped out, plus there are different code phrases we need to know in case we get in a bad situation, and Sister Utsch told me that last year they had pictures of people to avoid. It was very serious. I was half expecting them to pull out red string and start drawing lines between clues to solve the mystery haha just kidding. 

This week Sister Utsch and I also met so many solid potentials. We had a lot of moments where we "happened" to be biking past someone's house right as they "happened" to come out of it and we stopped and talked to them and they invited us back, purely for the reason that it was so "coincidental" that we were in the same place at the same time. I'm tellin ya, there are no such things as coincidences in the eyes of the Lord! 

Last night we picked up a new investigator from the Mesa missionaries, T! We had a hand off lesson with the Mesa sisters at the Mesa visitor's center and we got to teach T! She is on date for baptism for January 6th but she is BEYOND golden, and beyond ready to be baptized, so it will likely be moved sooner. She is so awesome. To name a few things...she's been going to church for eight months consistently (we are so confused how she is not baptized yet) and she has a solid testimony of the Book of Mormon. Oh, also she attended this past General Conference. T was floored when we told her that we live three streets North of her, that there are awesome members that live on her street, and that we can meet more than once a week since she doesn't have to drive all the way to downtown Mesa to meet with us! Everyone, THIS is why you don't teach people outside of your area (or your mission, for that matter...)...because it is going to be far, far better for T's long-term conversion to be attending the ward she lives in. Not gonna lie, Sister Utsch and I are pretty ticked that the Mesa missionaries didn't pass her off months ago like they should have, because now she is attached to their ward...which is about a 45 minute drive from where she lives, and because if she had been able to meet bi-weekly with the missionaries then she would have progressed a lot quicker. Luckily T is so prepared and so ready to go that she is willing to attend our ward and be passed off so close to her baptism! The past is in the past and Sister Utsch and I feel so blessed and so grateful to have the opportunity to teach T at this time! 
Exchanges with Sis. Ultzi

On top of the crazy amount of lessons we taught this week, we also threw in two exchanges! Obviously, we had to reschedule the exchange with the sisters we live with haha, so we did that on Thursday. I was with Sister Ultziduuren in my area and we had an awesome day! She's from Mongolia and is probably one of the sweetest people I've met in my entire life. We knocked a lot of empty doors but it was great getting to know her better! 

Exchanges with Sis. Jensen
The second exchange was with Sister Jensen, also in my area! Sister Jensen is in the middle of her third transfer and is an awesome missionary! We had a couple of song practices and meetings to attend so we didn't have much time to proselyte on the exchange; but we did have the opportunity to eat some bomb cinnamon rolls at a YSA new member meeting so Sister Jensen told me it was a successful exchange in her book haha. 

A few funny stories from this week:

During one of our lessons with D, we invited him to church and he said "I cannot promise I will be there." So Sister Utsch and I started testifying about the importance of church and trying to follow the Spirit to resolve his concern, we asked the members how attending church has blessed their lives, etc. and like fifteen minutes later we invite him to church again and he says "I cannot promise I will be there." We were like...D are you kidding us? So we go "What would be holding you back??" and he says "What if an emergency happens and I end up not being able to go and you're there looking for me?!" and started laughing so hard. We felt pretty silly haha...that's not a concern we're used to dealing with!
With my mom & my sister :)

We had a member lesson this week and at the end we asked the question, "Do you know anyone in your lives that could maybe use the gospel?" and their little girl pipes up and says "Satan!" Hahahahahaha it was priceless. Sister Utsch goes "Ooh I'd hate to be his missionary." Too funny.

On the way back from the Mesa lights meeting I was driving and made a wrong turn and got hardcore lost in downtown Mesa. We didn't realize it for a while, but eventually we were like "We should have hit the 60 a long time ago...where are we?!" and we looked it up and realized we were so far away...haha I've never driven in downtown Mesa before…especially not in an Arizona Gilbert mission car! Haha but we made it back alive...phew! 

Anyways...those are the major highlights from our eventful week! Our week was filled with massive miracles like these, as well as little miracles. That's the amazing thing about the gospel; we are constantly being blessed, even if we've already been blessed! The Lord is so eager to bless us with the very best that he has to offer and I know that we in the Arizona Gilbert Mission are truly blessed with the best. I love this work and I love being a missionary! I love that the Lord can use me as an instrument in His hands notwithstanding my imperfections and weaknesses. 

I love you all!!

Sister Jacobson 

1st place in car maintenance...
...3 transfers in a row!

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